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I honestly can't believe this book is finished! I also can't believe how long it's taken me (nearly two years is pretty shameful haha)! I just wanted to say that this is actually the first book I've ever finished writing and even though I know it's not perfect, I'm actually quite proud of it. It's the longest thing I've ever written in my life (86,000 words strong!) and I feel like I've grown so much as an author throughout the process of writing it. To think that I started it with virtually no plan, just a few characters, a premise and an ending and somehow I came out with a 35 chapter book amazes me, given that I was sure I was probably going to give up on it at some point! I'm so glad I didn't though and I can thank all of my readers on here for that because it's your support through votes and comments that have kept me going! So thank you so much for that!

There are so many people I want to thank but I think the most important ones are my two best friends who have been invaluable to me right from the beginning and have been such incredible inspiration to me. Esme (@msesmerussell) and Victoria (@VictoriaCameron16), you guys have been amazing and I have to thank you for proofreading chapters for me, helping me with the plot and inspiring the characters of Melody, Cassie, Sienna and Jenna between you! I love you so much and cannot express how grateful I am to you two!

I also need to thank people who have continued to support me on Wattpad because even when I was completely unheard of with about 5 followers and 2 votes, it was you guys who kept me writing and I love you all so much! Sydney (@broadwaygurl88), you have been so lovely and supportive to me and I can't thank you enough! Also, Cat (@dreamgirl555), Simmie (@simjpat), Clara (@Clara_from_Gallifrey), @writtenheart24 , and oh my god there are so many others and I will be here all day if I keep going but basically anyone who has read this, voted, or left any comment: thank you! I feel so lucky to be part of such a wonderful community on here and to be surrounded by amazing and supportive people.

So, I guess that's all from me! I feel so sad that this book is over and I will miss these characters so much! I've got two more books on the way that I'd ideally like to update before my exams start next month but, as always, I can't promise how things will work out. One is broadway themed and is also inspired by my wonderful friends (I know, it's like an obsession haha) called City of Dreams, so you can basically see what Melody would be like in a New York performing arts college! And then the other is not Broadway themed but will still be a high school romance, called Inside Game :)

Okay, so for the last time, thank you all and I hope you've enjoyed this book! Love to all of you!

-Selena xxx

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