Chapter 4

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I run straight up to my bedroom and collapse on my bed, sobbing into my pillow. My vision is blurred with tears. How could he lead me on like that just to drop me for Elisha, of all people? What kind of person does that? Then I realise that pretty much everyone does that. Girls with blonde hair who wear short skirts will always be chosen over me. In love, in theatre, in life. At least on stage I can out-perform her but when it comes to boys she will always have the upper hand.

This makes me cry even more. When will it be my turn? When will I get chosen? I roll over onto my back and stare at the ceiling, thinking bitter thoughts. Gradually, though, these fade into utter hopelessness. There's no way I'll get Maria now. Elisha and Sam auditioned together with a love song. They obviously have more chemistry than I would with him. I can bid my Broadway dreams goodbye.

The next week at school drifts by in misery. Everything feels meaningless and dull. I don't have anything to look forward to, nothing to work for. I have lost all my hope. I'm even close to giving up on my ambitions. If I can't get Maria in a High School production how could I ever get that part in New York?

I am sitting in Physics when the cast list goes up. It will be waiting for us when class ends. The seconds tick by but time seems to pass at a quarter of its normal speed to me. I watch Sam and Elisha at the front desk. Sam is explaining one of the equations to her while she bats her eyelashes and tells him how clever he is. She has dyed her hair dark and got a new fake tan and so looks more puerto rican than ever. 'That's just being cocky,' I think to myself, but it does show how certain she is that she will get the part. And how certain I am too.

Just as I'm worried that I might puke from how disgustingly adorable Sam and Elisha are being, the school bell rings and I leap out of my chair. Everyone who auditioned races out of the classroom to try to be the first one to see the list. By the time I get there, there is a huge crowd of jostling students either looking elated or dismayed. As I approach, people start grinning at me. I assume they are laughing at the pathetic part I have undoubtedly been assigned. Probably random spanish girl three or maybe stairwell bannister.

As I get closer, though, I think I can see my name. It's at the top of the list. I can't believe my eyes.


TONY ................. SAM PALMER

ANITA ................. ELISHA DENVER

I stop reading. I don't need to know any more. I am going to play Maria! Yes, Sam is playing Tony opposite me but that might the perfect way to make him realise he's made the wrong choice with Elisha. And yes, I may have the Anita from hell but at least I'm Maria. That's really all I care about.

"Where is it? Am I Maria?" Elisha's voice penetrates the general noise around the sign up sheet. The crowd parts like the red sea to allow her through. Everyone knows she going to be pretty mad and no one wants to experience her wrath. But I definitely want a front row seat.

She walks up to the sheet confidently. She has that infuriating smug look on her face until she scans the sheet for her name and finds mine instead. Then she looks like she might kill someone. Sam comes up behind her.

"Hey, how did we do?" he asks pleasantly. Elisha spins round to show him the death glare. She rips the sheet down.

"What is this?!" she shrieks

"Oh wow! I'm actually Tony!" he gasps, not even noticing the other names. I think Elisha's going to catch on fire.

"Not you! ME!" she screams. "That little bitch stole my part! I'm supposed to be Maria!" She hasn't seen me yet so I try to back away but a crowd has gathered to watch the bickering couple and I am blocked in.

"Hey! Melody sang really well at her audition," Sam protests. I feel myself blushing. "It's not her fault that they cast her. It's the director you should be mad at." Elisha starts to argue back but then she spots me in the group of spectators. Her eyes flash with pure hatred and she strides up to me and slaps me right across the face. I pull away, my cheek burning, but she pushes me into some lockers and starts to pull my hair. I squeal in pain as she hits me, shouting "That was my part! You stole it!". Suddenly, she is pulled off me, kicking and screaming, by her boyfriend, who carries her away from me, trying to calm her down.

"Stop it, Elisha, Melody didn't deserve any of that!" he reproaches her. "Just leave her alone." At that point, they round a corner and I can no longer hear them. I sit at the base of the lockers, battered but triumphant.

The fight over, the crowd starts to disperse. I start to pick myself up off the floor and feel strong hands pull me to my feet. When I look up, I am staring into crystal blue eyes.

"Are you ok?" Sam asks me. I nod slowly, amazed that he actually came back for me. He leans a bit closer. My heart doubles in speed. "Between you and me," he whispers conspiratorially, "I thought your audition was better than Elisha's." I can't help smiling. As he walks away, he gives me a small wave and calls "See you at rehearsals."

And I fall in love with him all over again.

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