Goin Out

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Harry's POV

"Harry?" Jeff asked, snapping me from my thoughts as I turned to find him already staring at me, and I realized he must have been talking to me and I was zoned out.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"I asked you if you got that e-mail the label sent about the meeting for your production team." He clarified, looking at me worriedly.

"Oh, uh, yeah. Yeah, I think I responded. Tuesday, right? I'm still sorting through all my e-mails." I said.

I'd been doing nothing but sorting through e-mails and messages, spending all day with Jeff trying to sort out the logistics for my album and getting back into just how I wanted to do everything. I would like to have said it was a good distraction, but the truth was no matter what I was doing I couldn't get Hailey out of my mind. I knew Niall had been there for a couple days, probably on his way home as I sat there, and I just wanted to know if she was okay.

"Yeah, Tuesday. 9am." Jeff said, staring at me with the same look in his eye he'd had for days. "I don't know what's going on with you, but I really need you to focus here bro."

"Sorry, just trying to get back into the swing of things." I apologized, slapping him on the shoulder in reassurance that I really was paying attention. "Anyways, what else we got goin on?"

I hadn't told him much about what I'd been up to while I was gone, or anyone for that matter. He was one of my best friends and it felt weird keeping it from him, but I was just trying to function and throw myself into my music. I didn't need everyone looking at me like the guy who just had his heart broken, and the last thing I wanted was them judging Hailey or what we had because I knew they'd never understand it. I knew Niall had mentioned it to Liam and Louis, which was fine, and neither of them had bothered to mention it to me, doing their best to let me process it on my own.

"You tell me. It's your album, you tell me how you wanna do this." He smiled. "I've talked to the label, they're just gonna let you do your thing, so you just tell me where you wanna record and I'll book the time."

I took a deep breath, finding it strange to have all of the decisions up to me, and still adjusting to the concept of not having to run every idea through a bunch of other people first. I'd written so much material lately that I just wanted to get it all down, I'd been recording voice notes on my phone and completely engrossing myself in the lyrics I'd come up with.

"Right now I just really need to get in the studio." I sighed. "I need to pick a band and just get going on writing. I've got so many ideas I just wanna get to it."

"Alright, we'll start there. I'll send up band auditions for next week then." He nodded, picking up his phone and starting to make calls.

I just nodded as he left the room, looking out the window as my own phone buzzed in front of me and I looked down to see Louis calling me.

"What's up, Tommo?" I smiled as I answered.

"Hello, Harold." He laughed. "What the fuck are you doing?"

"I'm just finishing up some stuff with Jeff. Why? What's up?" I asked as I leaned back in my chair and stretched.

"Just calling to make sure you're not selling out for Niall's birthday tonight."

"I already told you I'd be there." I laughed. "When's he back anyway?"

"Should be landing pretty soon, he texted me when he left. I just gotta drop Freddie at Briana's and then I'm gonna scoop Payno and we're gonna come hang out at your place." He explained. "And no, I don't care that you didn't invite us."

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