No Negotiations

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Harry's POV

I couldn't stop stealing glances at Hailey over the top of my book as she read her own across from me, her eyebrows furrowed in thought as we sat on the large sofa on my deck. We were each sat at opposite ends, our legs meeting in the middle as we laid in the sun reading. The sun was shining, making her blonde hair look even lighter, and I smiled to myself at how adorable she looked. When I decided I couldn't take it anymore, I took my foot and gently poked her in the side, causing her to giggle.

"Read your book, Harry." She chuckled, her eyes fixed on the pages in front of her.

"I can't." I whined. "You look too cute sitting over there, and I miss talking to you."

"We've been out here for like 30 minutes." She laughed. "I'm really into this book."

"You're always really into your book. I thought I read a lot, but you read more than anyone I know."

"I like books." She shrugged.

"What's your favorite book of all time?"

"That is impossible to answer." She scoffed. "That's like asking someone what their favorite song of all time is. It changes, it totally depends on your mood or situation, where you're at in life at the time. There's too many variables."

"True. So you read books that fit your mood or situation?" I smirked as I leaned forward and took the book out of her hand, inspecting it. "Interesting."

"Shut up." She laughed as she smacked me and snatched it back. "Don't act like you know anything about this book."

"Actually, I do." I smiled, remembering the time my mum and sister had forced me to watch the movie with them one time when they came to London when I was on the x-factor. "I'll have you know I am quite knowledgeable when it comes to chick flicks."

"Pffttt, you saw the movie. That is nowhere near the same as reading the book."

"It's enough to get the gist...if I remember correctly, Dear John is about a young guy and girl who meet one summer and fall in love, and then he has to go away to war and leave her behind." I smiled.

"I know what you're thinking, and that's not why I'm reading it."

"Oh, no. I know you read books based on your current situation." I laughed.

"Shut up, Harry." She laughed as she turned her eyes back to her book. "I don't even usually read these kind of books anyways. Kels lent it to me."

" don't usually read romance novels, but you happen to be reading one now, just after you told me you read books based on your current mood? You're not helping yourself here, Hails." I teased as I poked my foot into her side again while I laughed.

"I hate you." She chuckled as she smacked my foot away.

"No you don't." I smiled. "You love me too much."

"You wish."


She rolled her eyes at me before shifting against the couch to get comfortable again, focusing back on her book as I laid back on my end of the couch and closed my eyes. I let the sun hit my face, listening to the sound of the creek for a few minutes before I looked back over at her.

"What is it, Harry?" She smirked, not needing to look up from her book to know that I was staring at her.

"Who's your favorite author of all time then?" I asked.

"Mitch Albom." She said with zero hesitation.


She sighed as she closed her book, throwing it on the table in defeat before she leaned back on the couch and closed her eyes.

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