Power Rangers

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Harry's POV

Hailey and I laughed as we practically skipped through the rain back towards the clearing, both of us taking turns jumping in newly formed puddles and splashing each other. There was something about being there, the rain falling down on me in the middle of the forest that just made me feel alive. I couldn't remember the last time I felt so free, not caring about a single thing.

In theory, we could both have been freaking out about the fact that it was pouring rain, we had no way to get home and were probably going to be sleeping in the wilderness for the night, but neither of us could be bothered to care. We couldn't stop laughing, soaked from head to toe and throwing mud at each other as we made our way back towards the cliff.

"Oh you're dead!" She laughed as I hit her right on the side of her face with a chunk of mud, laughing as she nailed me in the chest and mud splattered across my shirt.

We were both soaked and now completely muddy as we approached the clearing, laughing as we eyed each other to see if either of us were finished throwing mud. Hailey just smirked at me as she watched me carefully before making her way over towards the side of the clearing where there was a large rock. She bent down, and I noticed the opening at the bottom of the rocks as she took her back pack off and threw it inside.

"You coming or what?" She smiled as she nodded towards the cave and crawled inside.

I made my way over, crouching down to see inside the hole she'd crawled into, and crawled in after her. It was dark, and I couldn't see much until a flashlight turned on and I looked over to find the warm glow of it lighting up Hailey's face. I looked around, noticing the space we were in was quite big, as Hailey started to dig around in her bag.

I watched as she started to pull things out of her back pack, inspecting everything carefully as she put it down to make sure everything was in tact. I noticed she pulled out her cameras and I immediately worried they'd been damaged from all the rain.

"Oh shit, they didn't get ruined did they?" I asked as she put down her DSLR.

"No," She laughed. "Everyone knows you need a waterproof backpack to hike in BC. Plus, the GoPro is already waterproof."

"Oh, right." I smiled as she pulled out a mini speaker and started to attach her ipod to it. "Are we having a dance party?"

"Obviously, it would be rude if we didn't." She laughed. "Besides, we should be fine in here but the noise should keep the bears and cougars away."

She pulled out some snacks and a couple of waters before grabbing a pack of matches and looking around.

"Everything outside is soaked...I doubt we'll find anything dry enough to make a fire." I said as she scanned the room with the flashlight before it landed on a pile of perfectly dry wood in the corner.

"I know. That's why I put this in here." She laughed. "I figured I might have to use it one day."

She crawled over and grabbed the wood and newspapers she'd obviously left there some other time, bringing them back over to where we were sitting.

"The sun should be going down soon...I don't wanna start the fire too early cause we've only got so much dry wood. We should grab the driest stuff we can find and hopefully it will dry out in here next to the fire in a couple hours, then we can use it to keep it going."

"Okay, I can go find some." I said as I turned and started to climb out of the cave.

"I'm coming too." She chuckled behind me, and I heard music start to echo off the walls of the inside of the cave.

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