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Hailey's POV

I watched the knife in my hand carefully and methodically slice through the peaches on the cutting board, doing my best to focus on the movement instead of the knot in my stomach that was making me feel sick. I'd been trying to shove it down all day, to not let it taint the little time I had left with Harry, but no matter what I did it remained.

I knew he'd been struggling saying goodbye to everyone all day, and I knew he didn't wanna leave any more than I wanted him to. It would be up to me to try to keep things light, to be the strong one, and I was doing everything I could to try to prepare myself for when he arrived for dinner. I didn't want the heaviness of a final meal to hang over us, I wanted us to spend time together laughing and enjoying each other's company like we always did. I didn't want the memory of our last night together to be filled with the sadness and anxiety we both felt about where this would leave us.

I felt like we'd come to an understanding about how things needed to be, but that didn't make it any easier to say goodbye. I think we both knew it wasn't the ideal situation for either of us, that we would both much rather stay in the bubble we'd created and not worry about real life, but it just wasn't possible. It was what it was, and all we could do was make the best of the time we had left.

I was so wrapped up in my thoughts that I didn't hear Harry enter the kitchen, jumping a little in surprise when I felt his arms snake around my waist as he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Hi." I smiled, the familiar warmth of his presence washing over me as I turned around to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck and looking up at him.

His eyes were red-rimmed like he'd been crying, his features laced with sadness as he looked down at me and searched my face like he could find the peace he was looking for.

"Hey." He sniffled, doing his best to keep it together as I wiped the wetness from his cheeks.

"Oh, Haz." I sighed as I pulled him into me, hugging him tightly for a long minute as we stood in my kitchen. "I'm sorry, I know it's been a rough day for you."

I hated seeing him like that, it was such a far contrast from the carefree version of him I was used to. The sight of him crying broke my heart, and did nothing to ease the sadness I'd already been feeling. I softly ran my hands up and down his back as he sniffled against my shoulder, quickly wiping his eyes as he pulled away.

"I'm alright." He said, doing his best to compose himself as I watched him carefully, running my hand over his shoulder and up to the side of his face.

"I know." I said softly as I leaned up and pressed my lips to his, letting them linger for a few seconds before I pulled away. "I have something for you that I think might make you smile."

I watched as a small smile tugged at his lips, looking down at me as he brought his hand up to the side of my face, gently rubbing my cheek with his thumb.

"I've got the one thing that never fails to make me smile right here." He said quietly, almost in a whisper, before he leaned down and pressed his lips to my forehead.

I couldn't help the butterflies that fluttered inside me at his words, at the feeling of his lips on my skin, and I closed my eyes tightly and tried to soak it in before it was all gone for good. He pulled away, gently tucking my hair behind my ear, before he looked over my shoulder and saw the peaches on the counter and smiled.

"Peach cobbler." He laughed lightly. "You know me so well."

"I do." I smiled. "And the rest of dinner is in the oven, so why don't we go to the living room and I'll give you your present."

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