Chapter Twenty Nine

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 "Your judgment is so clouded,

Why can't you just agree?

Writhing with the bullet,

Don't you die for me." - Bach's Revenge debut album, track 9

If it weren't for the small screen that featured Charlie's vital signs, the beeping and the steady sound of the monitors, he would have thought Charlie did die. She looked so fragile.

He stepped closer gingerly, like heavy footfall could disrupt her. An atomic bomb could blow up outside and she wouldn't know any different, but he still moved with care.

The human body shouldn't have room for so many tubes. She was on her back, a breathing tube fastened over her mouth going down her throat into her chest, at least that's where he imagined it would go.

This was his fault. If he'd never slept with McKenzie in the first place, maybe it wouldn't have happened. Maybe he'd be holding Charlie in his arms tonight instead of praying that he'd get the chance again.

He placed his hand on her arm which had an IV inserted into it. "I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm here."

He waited for her to move her fingers or flutter her eyelids like patients so often did on TV; but she remained motionless.

"I'm going to make this right, Charlie," he whispered. "I'll never let something like this happen to you again, no matter what it takes. I told you I'd love you for always. I'm going to fix this." He brushed his lips across her forehead and left wondering how he was going to keep his promise.

When he got back to the waiting room, Sawyer had awakened Devin. They stood next to Robbie and Lane.

"Is she okay?" Devin asked.

Sebastian wrapped his arm over her shoulder. "Your sister is stubborn. She's going to be just fine."

"What about my parents?"

"I called them," Lane said. "They're on the first flight out but they couldn't get here till morning." He looked at Sebastian. "I called again while you were in with Charlie, told them she was okay."

"Thanks," Sebastian said.

Bennett and the rest of the crew were on their own buses when they returned. It was unfortunate because Sebastian wanted to use Bennett as a punching bag but he was too tired to go looking for him. Groggily, he found the light on the bus, and flicked it on.

Devin headed to the bathroom to change into her pajamas. Sebastian told her she could take the big bed, the one in the back, thinking as tired as he was, he probably wouldn't be sleeping. How could he sleep with Charlie in some hospital bed?

"I'm going to have a five minute shower," Sawyer said. "I hate hospitals," he added.

This left Sebastian alone with Lane, who just looked like he wanted sleep himself, and Robbie who was spaced out from the chaotic evening.

"You saved her life," Sebastian said.

"I didn't do much. Sawyer saved her."

"No," Sebastian shook his head in disagreement. "You saved her too."

"I know she's your girlfriend but we all love Charlie. I would have done the same for anyone, although I think you're making it sound a lot more heroic than it was."

"We do all love Charlie," Robbie said, nodding. "He's right."

"Lane, sorry isn't good enough. For what I did to you."

Celebrity Status (currently being revised to 1st person) Walk of Fame-- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now