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Up until now, I am still amazed on how things can go from good to bad in a matter of hours. I was waiting for Baekhyun and Chanyeol to come out of Jongdae's room. After what had happened at the restaurant, I knew something was up. From the moment Chanyeol and Baekhyun rushed towards Jongdae like they've known him for the longest time. I knew Jongdae was keeping something from me. 

As I let myself drown in these thoughts, Chanyeol and Baekhyun came out of Jongdae's room. I stood up and got closer to Baekhyun. Chanyeol excused himself. 

"What... What happened? Is Jongdae all right?" I asked nervously. Baekhyun was unusually quiet. I've known him long enough that he wasn't like this. 

"He's okay." That made me sigh in relief. "How long have you been with him?" he asked. He sat at one of the chairs outside the room, I sat beside him.

"Remember that day you visited me in the morning... and reprimanded me to date while I have fun?" he nodded. "I met him that day."

"How? and where?" How did I met Jongdae?

"I found his list... It was swept by the wind, near the hospital and we kinda started because of that." Baekhyun shifted,"Hey Baek? Tell me something."

"What is it hyung?" 

"Do you know Jongdae? Like... you know? Are you two close?" Baekhyun laughed. 

"Jongdae.. and I... yes I know him.. and I can say that we're close." curiosity strikes again.

"H-how did you two become close?" I sounded very awkward but. Yes. I wanted to know how. Jongdae being close to Baekhyun is already suspicious enough for me. Baekhyun never talks about Jongdae to me. He never mention anything about Jongdae, and the same for the latter. "I mean, you never mentioned him to me before..."

"I do." Baekhyun said. "I did mention him to you. A lot actually." he gave me his puppy smile. 

"Really? How come... I don't recall anything?" I was getting more curious. 

"He's the runaway patient I always tell you about, hyung." And I felt like I was splashed with cold water.

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