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"Aren't you tired? Because I am!" I asked, while we walked. We've been walking since we reached Silheung. "Do you even remember your house? Jongdae, we need another mode of transportation, we can't just walk from here."

"Stop whining, hyung and just follow me, we're not going home yet." He muttered while he moved his head around, what is he looking for!?

I tried to calm myself. I shouldn't have gone with him, this was a bad idea, a very bad idea! I should've gone on a trip on my own!

"Yah! Minseok-hyung!"


"I said, let's eat first." All of a sudden, I felt soul cleanse itself upon hearing Jongdae's words. He made his way to the small store so I followed him.

As soon as I entered I felt very warm. It's nice, the place is nice and cozy. "Jongdae is that you?" Did someone just call Jongdae?

"Yes, Kyungsoo, it's me!" my gazed never left Jongdae and the small guy who had big eyes. They hugged for a long time and I can sense that it was a warm, tight hug. Are they friends? "It's been so long!"

"Oh my god! Jongdae! I can't believe you're here! Are you okay now?" They smaller guys asked as he hugged Jongdae.

Jongdae didn't answer tho. He just hugged the smaller figure.

I just stood there, waited for their small reunion to finish. "Oh!" The smaller guys gawked as he 

noticed my presence. He broke free from Jongdae's hug and went to me. "I'm sorry for making you wait—"

"I'm with him, Kyungsoo." Jongdae says.

"Oh I see," i smiled at Kyungsoo? I think it's his name. "Are you Jongdae's boyfriend?" I almost choked on my own saliva.

"No, I think you misunderstood—"

"He's a friend, Kyungsoo." Jongdae said, cutting me off. How rude.

"Oh," Kyungsoo smiled warmly at me before offering his hand. "I'm Do Kyungsoo, nice to meet you! I own this little restaurant!"

"I'm Kim Minseok, nice to meet you too, Kyungsoo." I said, taking his hand.

"Call him, hyung, Kyungsoo." Jongdae whispered ad I glared at him.

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