Chapter 11

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"Jake! Sophie! Sarah! Come one! We're teaching James Ice-ball!" I shouted and ran to the lake with James behind me.

"So what is this sport," James asked with amusement, "And can I play in the state I'm in?"

"Only the best winter sport ever, and yes," I replied.

The lake had been frozen for a few days and the lake was covered with a thick few feet of ice. to get water we would cut through the ice.

I took an old soccer ball out from under the dock and rolled it onto the ice.

"Come on, it won't break, I promise," I reassured James who nervously stepped foot onto the ice.

Jake, Sophie, and Sarah came sprinting on and Jake slipped and fell.

"First fall of the season!" He shouted with laughter and stood back up.

"It's a simple sport, so see those to wooden box shape things, well those are goals. You have to score on it," I explained.

"So it's ice soccer?" James asked.

"Yes and no, different rules. You can catch it if it's in the air and run with it, but if it touches the ground, you have to kick it. You can only have one goalie and usually we did one offense but you're new," I told him and slid over to my goal.

"Me and Sarah against Jake James and Emily!" Sophie shouted from across the way.

She started to kick the ball towards us.

"well good luck," I said and shoved James forward.

James gave me a confused look and stood still.

I sighed and pushed him back, "You go in goal, let the pro player take over."

I had gotten better at keeping my balance on the ice and could run with ease. I ran to Sophie and stuck out my foot to get the ball. It flew into the air and I grabbed it and threw it at Sarah who batted it to the ice and kicked it all the way to the other goal. James threw his hand in front of his face and deflected it.

"There you go!" I said as I skated past and passed it to Jake.

James smiled and laughed. He then started to cough and sat down.

I went over to him and sat beside him.

"You ok?" I asked.

He nodded, "Just tired."

I nodded and looked at the Now cloudy sky, "I know this was the shortest game ever but let's go back."

I helped him up and we all walked back to the cabin.

I went upstairs and sat in my bed under the blankets. They were warm and comforting and I could stay here forever. Sarah had gone to bed, same with Sophia and Jake.

James was staring out the window, silent. He sighed and I could barely make out the outline of his face.

I shivered and rubbed my hands together for warmth. He notified me and sighed again.

"You cold?" He asked.

"I'm fine," I said hut couldn't keep my teeth from chattering.

Noble was on the floor, curled up in a small ball.

"You can have my blankets if you want," James offered.

"Then you'll freeze," I said with amusement.

He grabbed his blankets and cane and lied down next to me. Aspen hurled onto the bed and sprawled out. James put his arm around my shoulder and I lied down comfortably.

"Good night," he said.

I was to tired to push him away and to warm to care.

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