Chapter 6

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Jake had gone out back (with a knife because I told him to after yesterday) to get some food from the store.

He came back in with a cooked rabbit and some blueberries. The rabbit smelled great and I was starving so I would eat anything that looked or smelled like food.

I started to wolf down my portion as soon as jake split it up.

"My god Emily slow down! Do you want to choke?" Jake laughed with concern and humor, odd mix right?

"It's not my fault I'm starving!" I said with a mouth full.

It sounded more like 'ishnomfaltistaving'.

Jake sighed and shook his head with disappointment.

"I'm your sister, you'll live", I swallowed my food and elbowed him lightly.

I heard footsteps and James sat down at the table.

"Morning Emily, how you feeling", he asked and started to eat.

I saw Jake smirk at me and look back and forth from me to James. I scolded at him and shot him a glare.

"Fine, thanks. In fact, I feel really well, I might go hunting later," I smiled.

I could see Jake trying to hold on laughter. I swear, if he said anything to James, that was definitely not true, I would kick him out and let the wolves take him in. By the way, if you have annoying siblings, don't get any ideas, I was only joking, partially anyways.

I saw Sarah walk down and sit at the table.

I saw her look at me then she ran over and gave me a hug. She buried her face in my shoulder and I wrapped my arms around my little sister.

"It's ok, I'm fine", I whispered into her ear and rocked her gently, "thank you."

I saw James smiling at the scene, but I just kept my eyes closed and calmed my sister down.

I pulled away and she bent down, "it's not you fault, plus, my time to be maimed was long over due."

She laughed a bit, "I'm just glad you're ok."

"Trust me, I am too", I joked.

Sarah returned to her seat and started to eat.

"And thank you, James. Jake said you helped Sarah", I mentioned and James looked up.

"Oh it was nothing, anyone would help someone in need," he blushed.

I smiled and ate a handful of blueberries. They were sweet and fresh and my favorite fruit ever!

"Where's Sophie?" I asked and Jake lifted his head from literally licking his plate clean.

"I think she is still asleep," Sarah said.

"Really?!" Jake exclaimed and exchanged a glance with me.

"Is that not normal for her?" James asked, clearly confused.

Jake shook his head, "she is usually up right after Emily."

James now looked a little concerned.

I stood up and pushed in my chair. I gracefully fell up the stairs and to the bed area.

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