Chapter 2

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Later that day, Jake was begging for hunting lessons. He gave the same old excuses like "I can be more helpful" or "winter will be here soon". This might have worked on any other person, but not me. I was hard to convince when I had my mind set on something, then again, so was Jake.

As much as I would love Jake to hunt with me, he was just to young and impatient, I told him when he was 14 is when we would start. That's when me and Sophie had started when our father was the teacher. Jake had rolled his eyes and I said it was only one more year.

"See it is only one more year! Why not start early?!" He had reasoned but I still shook my head.

"Please Emily!" Jake pleaded and followed me around the cabin.

"I said no Jake! And that is my final answer", I insisted and gathered some towels in a bag.

"What are those for", Sophie nodded to the towels.

"Let's go fishing at the lake," I suggested, "since I don't want the fish to get sandy, we can put them on the towels."

"Ok", Sophie shrugged and stood up.

"Come on Sarah!" Jake shouted from outside.

"Coming!" Sarah replied.

She put down her book and ran out the door. We walked along the path we had made all those years ago. Ferns leaned in from the edges and i kicked some stones and twigs out of my way. I had kept the path in pretty good shape, considering we lived in the woods and had no real equipment. I could feel a slight breeze coming off the lake's water, i looked ahead and there it was. It shimmered in the light and small waves lapped at its shores. The sand was soft and cool and the water clear. Sophie and I had built a small dock from pine wood about a year ago, before we would fish in the summer while the water wasn't freezing cold, now we fish all year long, as long as the water hasn't frozen over.

I laid the towels on the dock. I leaned down and grabbed the fishing rods (made by me) from under it. That was wear we kept them last time because there was a huge storm and we couldn't run that fast with them. I dried them off with the towels and put a worm on the hook. We had collected worms once when Sarah was digging up roots for this reason specifically. I cast out the line and sat down. Sophie was sitting next to me, and Sarah was on my other side. Jake was on the end by himself.

"I'm going to catch the biggest fish!" He declared as he cast out his line.

"As if!" Sophie snorted, "I will!"

If these two never argued again, it would be to soon.

I just sighed and rolled my eyes. Sarah giggled and looked out over the water. It was peaceful here, the breeze disturbed my hair slightly and tugged at my sweatshirt. My flip-flops were sitting in the sand and my feet dangled above the water. If you were wondering how I came to possess flip-flops, after the bombing, we went to some stores that were in a some what stable condition and took some vital things, clothing, shoes, food, water, and some medical supplies.

I felt a tug on the fishing rod and sat up straight. I pulled back and reeled in my catch. It was a stubborn fish! I finally got it and pulled it out and onto the dock.

"A bass", Sarah smiled and nodded, "Nice catch."

"Thanks!" I replied and laid the fish on the towel.

"I got one!" Jake yelled and I looked over to see a look of shock and surprise on his face.

I walked over and knelt down beside him. He pulled a large bass out of the water with a smile.

"Oh come on!" Sophie said with a hint of anger.

Sarah was pulling out a sunfish and Sophie scowled at her, "Even a sunfish is better than nothing!"

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