Chapter 9

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It was a tough decision to let Jake come, but I guess he wouldn't stay young for ever, and as the older sibling, I would have to adjust.

"Thank you Emily for letting him come, the kids growing fast and needs this," James told me, "You did the right thing."

"Thanks James, and your welcome," I smiled, "Let's go."

Jake smiled and ran ahead. His feet crunched leaves and twigs below the snow, if there were any other dogs, we'd have to move fast.

"Come on, we have no time to waist," I told James and he nodded.

"Do we even know where we're going?" Jake moaned as his head hung down.

"If you were listening to Sarah, then you would know," I grinned, "Also,don't waist all your energy in the first ten minutes."

Jake looked at me and frowned, "Really? Could you at least tell us where we are going."

"Us?" I asked and smiled at the look of frustration on my brother's face.

"James deserves to know too!" Jake pointed out and I nodded.

"You're right, James come here," I beckoned him over.

I leaned up and whispered in his ear, "On the far side of the lake."

He looked at me and smiled and nodded, "Thanks."

"No problem," I replied and gently nudged his shoulder with mine.

"Oh really!?" Jake exclaimed and turned to me with his arms folded.

"Well if I told you, who's not to say you wouldn't just run there yourself," I sneered in his face and he backed down and rolled his eyes.

"Fine, play it your way then."

Jake stomped ahead and I gave a short and quiet laugh. I flinched at the touch of a hand on my shoulder. My neck turned and I saw James smiling.

"You just never give in, do you?" He joked as we started to walk again.

"Hey, I have more experience then him," I said and I looked ahead at the lake.

"Well I do believe I have more experience than you, so I guess I'm in charge now," James teased pushed pass me as he ran to the water.

"Oh it's on," I said through gritted teeth and rushed to the edges of the lake. The waves gently lapped the shore.

As I bolted to the shore, I was going to fast and couldn't stop in time.

"Watch out!" I cried as I tried to stop.

The sand below me dispersed and I fell forward.

I closed my eyes tight and waited for impact, but it never came. Something, more like someone, had broken my fall.

I squinted and looked up, James had me and was trying to help me up, but I wasn't cooperating.

I stood up, a little shaky on my feet and leaned on James's shoulder for support.

"You ok?" James asked and I nodded.

"Thanks," I said and we went to the other side of the lake.

I heard a bark and turned my head to see a an young male husky. He had icy blue eyes.

"He's probably their brother ," Jake proposed as he let the husky sniff his hand.

"Careful Jake, we don't know how friendly he is," James cautioned and put his hand out to Jake.

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