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~Zodia's POV~

Awaking the next morning, I learn of our next destination from Gladio. He informed me of his call with his little sister, Iris, before the four of them met me at Hammerhead. Hearing that she was safe caused a wave of relaxation to travel through my stressed body.

"Glad to hear she's safe, Gladio," I said, smiling at the bodyguard. He smiles back and pats me on the head, ruffling a few strands of my hair. "You should've seen Noct and Iggy when they heard what happened to the Crown City. Never seen those two so broken."

"Now you've gotten me curious," I reply. Gladio chuckles and removes his hand. "Don't get too curious to a point where you get distracted."

"Trust me, I'm not that curious."

His smile widens as he continues packing up the campsite. I offered to help, but Ignis insisted I let him and the others handle the work. Knowing begging wouldn't work on the man, I decided to walk around the campsite. Not far from the haven, I found a few duscaen oranges we could use for a new dish.

"Zo, ready to go?" Prompto asked as he ran over to me. I nod and held the oranges in my arms. Back at the Regalia, Ignis noticed the fruit in my hand and snapped his fingers. "That's it!"

"What's "it"?" I ask.

"I've come up with a new recipe!" He said excitedly.

"I could taste test it for ya," Gladio states with a slight chuckle.

"Looking forward to it, Iggy," I beam. He smiles back as I place the oranges with the other ingredients. Completely packed, we climb into the Regalia and head to Lestallum.

The breeze whipped through my long black hair as I sat between Noctis and Gladio. Ignis checked on me from the rearview mirror while Prompto spun in his seat to see how I was faring. I gave both of them a simple smile to ease their worried minds.

As we got closer to our destination, we passed through a tunnel. "It's like we're warping to another dimension!" Prompto said with an eerie voice. "Wonder where we'll end up," Noctis replies.

"Hopefully somewhere peaceful," I mumble. Gladio heard me, making him laugh a little. "That's gonna be a tough wish to grant."

"I'll say," Noctis scoffs. Ignoring my brother, I looked towards the city that greeted us on the other side of the tunnel. "Wow!" Prompto gasped in amazement.

"Nice," Gladio adds.

"This place is pretty big," Noctis chimes in.

"Haven't enjoyed the city life in a while."

"They've even got a cable car!" The blonde squeals.

"I'd like to see where it leads," Ignis and I said in unison. Our eyes met briefly in the rearview mirror until I tore my gaze from him, heat rising to my pale cheeks. "You're both in sync today," Gladio smirked. I wave off his words and stare across the outlook as Ignis parked the car. We get out of the Regalia and take in our new surroundings.

"I've read about Lestallum but never imagined I would actually visit," I comment. We walk into the city and stop to view all that surrounded us. Tons of people were walking through the streets of the city. "One hell of a crowd," Prompto states.

"This must be the main thoroughfare," Ignis exclaimed. Gladio pulled out his phone and checked it. "She's at the Leville. Let's go." Sliding his phone back into his pocket, we follow Noctis to the hotel. We walked through the backstreets until our destination was right in front of us.

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