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~Zodia's POV~

As morning came, I woke up before Ignis and scooted out of the room without waking him. Walking down the stairs, I saw Iris was already up. She seemed worried about something the way she was hunched over in her seat. I sat next to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. "What's wrong, Iris?"

"It's just... well... this morning, Gladdy left. He kept talking about how he had to get stronger and he wouldn't tell me why."

"He left? Why..." Thats when I remembered when we were in Hammerhead before heading to Balouve Mines. Gladio had told me of how Ravus' words seeped into his mind when they were trying to retrieve the Regalia from an imperial base and the former prince attacked my brother.

I decided to tell the young girl of why he departed since she is his little sister and deserves to know. Hearing my explanation, she had finally calmed down. She thanks me and sends a smile my way.

The two of us chatted up a storm until the others were up. As usual, Noctis was the last one to wake. Everyone gathered around the table, even Talcott was curious about the loud noises last night. I explained all what transpired the night before, my hands folded in my lap.

"How the hell did he get in without anyone noticing him?" Noctis asked. I stayed silent, staring at my hands.

"Then, those markings..." Prompto said, pointing to the base of his throat. I nod, one of my hands running over the handprint on my neck. They all fell silent and I didn't blame them. It was hard to believe, but the Chancellor of Niflheim had attacked me with the intent to kill.

The door opens and Cindy walks in with her normal bright smile. She walked over to my brother and her smile fell. "We've gotta small problem."

I didn't care to eavesdrop and stood from my seat to get some fresh air. Stepping outside onto the small porch, I inhale the refreshing sea breeze. My midnight locks gently float with the breeze as I fiddled with the pendant around my neck. The door behind me opened, but I didn't even bother to check who it was. Then, I felt two arms encircle my waist, pulling me against a lean chest.

"How are you fairing this morning?"

Hearing the familiar accent, I sigh and lean against him. "I'm fine. I can't wait for all of this to be over. Then, we can have a normal life."

"As do I," Ignis agreed.

The door opens again, Noctis and Prompto emerging from the house. The two groaned in unison, signaling what Cindy had to say wasn't good news. "We need to find some mythril ore. The only place I know we can find some will be in-"

"Steyliff Grove," I finish my brother's sentence.

"Swear to the Astrals, you're a mind reader," Noctis chuckles.

"No, you're just my brother, that's all," I remark with grin. He rolls his eyes and Ignis releases me from his embrace. We trekked down the path to reach the Regalia. Prompto decided to sit in the back with Noctis while I sat in the front with Ignis. We departed from Cape Caem and headed to the Vesperpool. All four of us agreed to head to Thommels Glade after our business with the mythril ore was completed.

Within the hour, we arrive at Steyliff Grove just north of the Vesperpool. Ignis pulled the car over, his eyes locked on something in the distance. Following his gaze, I spotted a woman with silver-blonde hair. She wore what seemed to be black and red armor that didn't cover her entire body. "Know her?" I ask the tactician.

"Indeed. She toils with the empire."

"She attacked us when we were tryin' to get the car back," Prompto said.

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