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An: Y'all are gonna kill me for this chapter. Do not fret! This story will have a happy ending. Love you all!!!
~Zodia's POV~

Entering the Citadel, we all were relieved to have finally reached our destination. "At long last, the Citadel," Ignis said as we walked through the doors.

"The throne is just up ahead," Noctis states.

Prompto eyes our surroundings, taking note of all the luminosity. "It's all lit up."

Gladio crosses his arms at the sight. "Guess he's expecting company."

"He wants this as bad as we do," my brother scoffs.

"Well, he isn't getting it," I declare as I take the Ring of the Lucii off my finger. "You'll be needing it now more than ever, Noct."

My brother smiles as I hand the ring to him. "Thank you, Zodia." I smile and place a hand over his as he slid the ring onto his own finger. He clutched his hand firmly as he solemnly gazed at the heirloom.

"Think the elevator's workin'?" Gladio asked, snapping us back to the situation at-hand.

Prompto examines the lift closely and presses a button. "Huh... Sure looks like it."

"He is really taking us by the hand," Ignis comments.

"It'll save our legs the walk up," Noctis exclaims.

We boarded the elevator as soon as the door opened. All was quiet until the shield's gruff voice cut through the tense atmosphere. "The throne room... waits outside."

"Yeah... And so does Ardyn," Prompto's tone was much lower and serious than usual.

"Acting like he owns the place."

"It's time to take it all back," the tactician proclaims.

Noctis glances at me and the others. "It ends here. Tonight."

I unconsciously tugged at the white patch in my hair, staring at the elevator floor. Four out of five of us would survive to see the new dawn and I knew exactly who wasn't going to bask in the renewed world.

The elevator gradually comes to a complete stop, opening its door to reveal the hallway leading to the throne room. "Remember how nervous we were in front of King Regis the day we left?" Gladio reminisced in the memory.

"That was the last time we were in here," Ignis said.

"Yeah. They even let me in that day," the sharpshooter chuckles slightly.

"Feels like forever ago," my brother sighs.

I stopped in my tracks as I glanced out the shattered windows, remembering the day the empire destroying all it touched. A few tears slipped from the corners of my eyes as stared at the courtyard below.

"Zodia?" Noctis called out gently. Turning around, I saw the boys were watching me with painful expressions.

I quickly apologize and wipe my tears away. "I'm sorry. We've got more important matters to attend to."

"You don't have to push yourself," Prompto spoke softly.

I shook my head. "I will see this through to the end."

Accepting my determination, the four nod in acknowledgment. As their gazes turned back to the throne room, I muttered under my breath. "Noctis will survive."

The distance between us and the throne room was diminishing. "Hmm, not much farther," Prompto mutters as the grand doors loomed a few feet ahead.

Stopping in front of the throne room, Ignis gestures to the intricate doors. "Well, shall we, Noct?"

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