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~Zodia's POV~

After what Noctis told me, all that anger and sadness evaporated along with my tears. Whatever the others had said to him surely changed his mind and attitude. "I'll thank them all later," I note to myself.

Deciding to walk to our destination, we left the Regalia behind. As our trek continued, my thoughts raced to the day Insomnia fell and I learned of my ability to control all twelve zodiac. Having no details behind how the power works, I'm hoping I will be able to call upon at least one zodiac to help with the Behemoth.

"I wonder..." I mumble to myself.

"Wonder what?" Prompto asked, making me jump a little. "O-oh, nothing. Just thinking out loud," I snappily reply, trying to hide my stutter. Prompto leans in closely and inspects my face. Praying to the Six above, I hope he doesn't pick up on my lie. When he shrugged off my words, I sighed in relief. I placed a hand over my racing heart and took a deep breath.

My thoughts were interrupted by a low growl and the sound of trees snapping in half. We all froze in our steps, listening closely to the sounds around us. "The hell?" Gladio cursed.

"Something's amiss," Ignis exclaimed.

"C'mon," Gladio said, beckoning for us to continue. Following the sounds, we head deeper into where the monster resides. The only obstacle in our path were snapped trees. No monsters resided in the area besides the Behemoth. Our surroundings are slowly beginning to vanish behind a thick fog. We pushed through until our eyes spotted a small crawl space.

"Noct!" Gladio yells, pushing my brother back. He gestured for us to follow him through the small space. I went after Noctis while Ignis and Prompto were behind me. Peaking through one of the many openings in the crawl space, I saw the Behemoth.

"Hold up," Gladio said just above a whisper. We all came to a halt, listening and watching the giant monster only inches away from us. "Deadeye-- the name says it all," Gladio said, pointing to his closed right eye. Once the Behemoth looked away, Gladio made sure to take caution. "Let's move."

The bodyguard made it to the other side, but the three of us were stopped when the Behemoth blocked our path with its large muzzle. The creature sniffed a couple of times and let out a deafening roar. Instinctively, I covered my ears from the thunderous sound. Seeming to lose interest, the Behemoth removed its muzzle and stomped away.

"Here we go," Gladio said as we all reached the other side safely. Prompto released a heavy sigh as if he was holding his breath the whole time. "It's weak on the right-- no eye, no horn," Gladio states.

"We'll stay in range until we can exploit its blind spot. Exercise due caution," Ignis said.

"The fog's gotten thicker. Who knows where that thing went," I comment.

"Seriously, does nature hate us?" Prompto asked.

"Merely another obstacle," Ignis replies. The blonde groans and jumps in fright when he steps on a twig. He reached out and grabbed onto me with a shaky hand. "S-sorry, scared myself," he admits. I laugh and pat him on the arm. "Don't worry about it, Prom."

Reaching an area with much denser fog made the hair on the back of my neck stand on-end. Noctis was about to take a step forward, but I quickly grabbed and pulled him behind a rock. "What are--"

"The Behemoth is using the fog as a coverup," I whisper. Just as those words left my mouth, the tail of the beast slashes through the fog. "We've got the beast in our sights," Gladio said in a low voice.

"But no plan of attack. The Behemoth should be heading back to its lair, where we can catch it fully off guard," Ignis states.

"Yeah, as long as we stay on guard ourselves," Noctis adds.

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