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~Zodia's POV~

A week has passed since the boys have departed to Altissia. Early in the morning, Father had called me for an important meeting. The news he had informed me of was completely shocking.

"A... treaty?" I puzzled. Father nods from his place on the throne.

"Yes, a treaty between Lucis and Niflheim to end this detrimental conflict. One part I did not mention was the wedding. It is part of the treaty."

"I... I understand, Father."

"Thank you, Zodia. Along with Lady Lunafreya, you shall be protected by a member of the glaive until peace has been sought."

I bow and thank him once more before leaving. When I left the throne room, I was greeted by a man named Nyx Ulric. He bowed to me and kept his head low when he spoke. "A pleasure, princess."

"Please, just call me Zodia. You are a member of the glaive. Such formalities are not necessary. After all, you are like family."

Nyx stops bowing and looks me in the eyes. "Yes, Zodia." I smile when I hear my name roll off his tongue. "I look forward to your company, Nyx." The glaive member gives me a relaxing smile.

Since I found that book about Astrals yesterday, I haven't been able to read it. "If you don't mind, I would love to go to the library. There's a book I've been itching to read." Nyx nods and follows me to my destination.

Sitting on the couch, I crack open the book. The pages were brimming with detail from top to bottom; descriptions of each Astral and their abilities. The one Astral that confused me was Ifrit. Not a sliver of love for humanity inside his being. Unlike Ifrit, Shiva was completely different. She loved humans and cared for all.

My reading was interrupted by a deep chuckle. When I glanced up, the Emperor of Niflheim, Iendolas Aldercapt, stood not far from where I sat. Nyx summoned his blade and stood protectively in front of me. "The Princess of Lucis is much more beautiful than what the public says. Such a shame you're caged within these walls. A little blue bird with broken wings."

Fear built up inside me just looking at him. I tensed up and slid further away from him. Nyx noticed and drew closer to me. "Iendolas, your business is with me. Leave my daughter out of our affairs." Father's booming voice came from the entrance of the library. The Emperor sent me a wicked grin before he left with Father. Once free of the man's presence, I sighed in relief.

Hours pass while I read the entrancing book. Nyx stayed quiet and eventually found himself lost in a book as well. I looked out the window to see the sun was setting. I didn't realize how long I was in the library until I saw it was five o'clock. "Wow, didn't realize I spent the whole day reading," I mumble to myself.

Suddenly, Nyx began talking into his ear piece. His eyes bounced to me a couple of times during his conversation. Sensing something was wrong, I snapped the book closed. "We must--" Nyx started but was interrupted by the sound of running footsteps. "Dammit..." He curses under his breath. Nyx lunges forward and grabs me by the hand.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"You must be taken to safety, immediately."


My question was answered when the sound of fighting came from where the summit was being held. Glass shattered all around us as Magiteks jumped through the windows. Worried for Father's safety, I freed myself from Nyx's grip and dodged Magiteks left and right. "Princess!"

I ignored Nyx's desperate cries and pushed through more enemies. Trying to suppress my desperate need to cough, I pushed myself all the way until I reached where the treaty was being signed. Bursting through the doors, I spotted Father and Luna with Iendolas and General Glauca. All eyes fell upon me once the doors had slammed shut.

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