21: Your Head Weighs At Least 40 Kg

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Sorry for the late update but it's a bit longer than usual <3

The sun shined through the window, illuminating the room with unwanted sunlight, waking me up and resulting in me groaning and shoving my head under my pillows

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The sun shined through the window, illuminating the room with unwanted sunlight, waking me up and resulting in me groaning and shoving my head under my pillows.

After a long moment, I decided I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep no matter my efforts. Opening my eyes I yawned, pulling my blanket off.

Looking down in confusion at the blanket that definitely wasn't mine, my mind stayed blank. As I put my head up and looked around the room, the memories of yesterday came over me, already putting a dimmer on my mood.

Debbie. Sebastian. Grabbing my things. Here I am. In Sebastian's bed.

The thought of Sebastian laying next to me filled my head and my eyes sprinted to the empty spot beside me, looking as though it hadn't been touched.

I got up off the bed, noticing that I was still in the baggy t-shirt and leggings I was wearing the day before. I used the hair tie already in my hair to re-tie my hair into a bun as I strolled out of the bedroom and to the kitchen.

I absent-mindedly turned the kettle on, putting coffee, milk and sugar into a cup and waiting for the water to boil as I made toast, searching through the cupboard for vegemite as my mind rested on the events of the day. I had let someone who had no reason to help me, do exactly that. He'd seen Debbie and offered me to stay here as long as I wanted, even insisted so.

He didn't bring me here and try me for sex like Jack would have, he didn't laugh about my Mum either or make fun of me for it. I'd never met anyone before that was on my side so wholeheartedly and looked out for me without making a massive deal about it.

Sitting on the stool on one side of the island bench, I took my first bite of the toast and a sip of my coffee.

"Why are you up so early?" I jumped ten feet in the air, swinging around to the direction of the voice, my hand over my heart. I hoped to God I wasn't muttering any of my thoughts out loud.

My eyes rested on Sebastian's practically naked body, which was a pair of boxers away from having everything on display. I tried my best to keep from looking affected by it, and turned back to my food, taking a bite of my toast.

"I forgot you were here," I paused for a moment, realising how stupid I was for saying that, it was his house after all. "I have school today." I answered his question. Although I hadn't thought the fact school was on today, I figured that that's why I woke up so early. "Where were you?"

Looking back at him, I made sure not to look anywhere but above the shoulders. His hair was messy and I almost liked it more than the regular way he had it, a part of me almost urged to run my fingers through it.

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