13: It's Called Walking You To Your Door

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Work was unsurprisingly slow, filled with old ladies that thought they were always right and people who I didn't even know existed in my town

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Work was unsurprisingly slow, filled with old ladies that thought they were always right and people who I didn't even know existed in my town.

Kararn spent the whole time talking to me, as his and my registers were back to back. I liked talking to him and he made time go a shit load faster, and before I knew it I had 10 minutes left. We were too into the conversation to even care.

"He doesn't want to date, he's just not that type of guy-" he bent down to find more plastic bags, before continuing talking about his boyfriend who wasn't his boyfriend. "He doesn't care about dates or treating me well. All he cares about is getting his dick we-" He jumped a little as he stood back up after placing the plastic bags on the hook, noticing the customer and turning a deep shade of red, before straightening his back and giving a polite smile to the shocked middle-aged woman. "Was this all?" She just nodded.

He glared at me the moment she walked away and I just grinned, knowing he knew I'd seen her.

I tidied up my register, "tell him you want to date, it's not rocket science." He just shook his head and gave me a look that said it all, so I continued with a sigh as I wiped down the bench.

"Does he like you?" He nodded. "Play hard to get then, maybe find someone else, he'll see that you're starting to move on, and will do anything to keep you, including dates, if that's what you're into, and if he doesn't, he's not worth it."

"Take your own advice." I spun back around and come face to face with Sebastian, who put his stuff on the register, I blinked and took a second before scanning his items.

"I don't need to," I retorted with a forced smile, keeping my eyes on his groceries. Tiny teddies? Strawberry Milk? Cookies? Watermelon? Pads? Bandages?

"And a pack of Long Beach Red, thanks." That's more like him.

Kararn kicked my leg, "You're right to sign off after that one, kid." I just nodded in his direction, before grabbing a pack of long beach and scanning them.

"How are you getting home?" Sebastian questioned, handing me a wad of cash.

"Walking." I placed everything where it needed to go on the register.

"Alright, I'll give you a lift," he stated, before picking up the groceries.

"I'm good, thanks anyway." My tone was anything but friendly. One night of drinking and he thought we were friends? No thanks.

"Hurry up and sign off." 

I slumped, knowing he couldn't be convinced, and I really couldn't be bothered trying. I walked to the back of the supermarket, and into the locker rooms. Grabbing my stuff, signing off, and walking back to the spot to see Sebastian exactly where I left him, having a conversation with Kararn. "Apologies for leaving you with Karen." I stopped and stood next to Sebastian. "Whatever he's told you is just a ploy to get into your dacks. Let's go." I usher Sebastian away from Kararn, turning back to see my lovely manager smirking.

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