3: You're Not That Impressive

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No one should ever be woken up before 11am on a Sunday

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No one should ever be woken up before 11am on a Sunday. It's a rule that every man and their dog should follow, or in this case, one that Izzy should. Yet the insensitive girl was at it, banging pots and pans with a giant microphone, screaming out 'wake up'.

Maybe she didn't have pots and pans or a microphone, but she did open the curtains, and isn't that the equivalent?

I turned to the body beside me, blocking my ears as I cuddle up, trying to block Izzy out.

The body beside me. I mentally hit my head against a wall, the events of last night coming back to me. I'd ended up in Jack's bed, once again, and panic took over me.

"Aubrey. Psst.."

I groggily answer her, trying to act like I wasn't mentally necking myself, "what?"

"I've got to head out, are you okay here?" She looked at me wearily, and I just took a deep breath, forcing a small smile before nodding down to my body.

"I can manage."

"Do any hanky panky anywhere I'd sit, eat, sleep or look at, and you're dead."

I rolled my eyes as she waltzed out, before placing them on Jack, and despite feeling guiltier for doing this to myself than a 500 pound man cheating on a diet, I couldn't help smiling to myself as I noticed he was still asleep, snoring quietly. I pressed a kiss to his cheek before getting up quietly, reaching for my clothes and leaving his room in just a my top, knowing Izzy would of raced out, and I only needed to go down the hall to the shower.

I turned the water on as hot as I could stand it, scrubbing my body from top to bottom and using the guests shampoo and conditioner, before stepping out.

I look in the mirror at my dripping body, tilting my head. I suppose at a stage I was toned and I had a really nice figure. As I looked at my body I took notice that my thighs and hips had gotten a little more chunky from not doing a lot to keep myself fit anymore. I felt like an old woman's who has let herself go, and now her husbands not attracted to her like he used to be. I suppose I could really relate to that. Jack probably thought my skinnier body was attractive and ever since he's only interested in the sex part, because he doesn't have to cuddle me or even look. I don't know how I'd feel if he ever got a full look at me.

Nice pity party, Aubs. I shook my head and looked away, I didn't have to impress some guy anyway.

I searched around for my towel, before realising I never grabbed one.

"Shit." I quickly got into panic mode, looking through all the cabinets, despite knowing there was nothing in here.

Come on..

Opening the door, I tried to stay quiet and made sure Jack didn't hear me, before slowly stepping out into the hallway, walking a few steps to reach the in-wall cupboard in which I knew held all the towels, besides the ones for the downstairs bathrooms.

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