7: Showering Together?

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"Thank you doc for taking all my ouchies away

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"Thank you doc for taking all my ouchies away.. I feel better, so much better now.."

I sang along to the TV show I had been forced to watch with Marley since the sky began to set. It was 12 am and the house was dark, the only light on being the hallway, the only noise being the television. I was bored out of my mind, and I'm fairly sure Sebastian was too as he sat there, waiting desperately for Marley to fall asleep so he could leave the room. Even though Marley was the cutest thing in the world, she definitely hadn't changed my views on having kids. She was the only kid that had ever really taken a liking to me anyway.

"Shut up." The fuckwit sitting on the arm chair said harshly as I sang the tune to Doc McStuffins as it played on TV for the thousandth time.

"You shu-"

"No. I mean it, be quiet. She's out." I looked over at the couch to see Marley sprawled over it, eyes shut and snoring quietly. I gave Sebastian a relieved look, receiving one back, before he shook her a bit, to see if she's asleep. He then picked her up, holding her in both arms. I couldn't help but find it sweet how he looked after his niece. He moved her to the spare room, before coming back out moments later.

He turns on the lounge room light, picking up a pack of cigarettes from the coffee table before heading out the front door, lighting his cigarette on the way out, before chucking the pack to me as I stood up, following him. I took one out of the pack, knowing I forgot mine back at home. He stood outside, and I sat down on the veranda, my body cold as I was only dressed in Sebastian's trackies and short sleeved top. I crossed my legs, catching the lighter as he threw it at me and lighting my cigarette, before turning my gaze up to the bright moon and stars littering the sky.

"I didn't know you had a niece." Where I was going with the conversation, I didn't know. I'd heard Marley call him her Uncle, and I suppose that was enough verification for me.

"I didn't know you could handle blood." Sebastian retorted quickly, referring to the whole reason I was here. Why would I think I would be scared of blood? I'm not that much of a pussy.

As we sat there, I came to the conclusion that I don't think Sebastian cared what happened before he picked me up, and although it sounds harsh to say it like that, it was different. I didn't want sympathy or a pep talk. Yeah, it sent chills of frustration down my body when I was accused for fighting with someone rather than having a fucking bong thrown at my head by my Mother, but this way, it was better than facing all that fake pity.

"Sister or brothers kid?" I asked, the curious side of me coming back out to play.

"Sister. Why'd you call Jack to come to your rescue?"

"Habit." I spilled, knowing my words were nothing but truthful. "Why'd she call you to get Marley?"


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