Chapter 30

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Xavier's coat fluttered as he disappeared through a door. 

     Tears brimmed at my eyes. "What's wrong, dear?" Lydia asked. 

     "You hid the world that I have found solace in," I whispered. "The Weasleys, the Order, the people that trusted you. How could you have hidden that world. My husband, my family, my friends are all in that world!" 

     Sighing at my antics, Trevor moved closer. I narrowed my eyes and bared my teeth in an effort to repulse him. "It was for the best. The wizarding world threw us aside as soon as we had no use in the war," he said. 

     "We had hoped that some good would come out of it. Xavier is a wonderful boy, I mean, man and someone that we wanted you to end up with. Why do you think that we didn't give guardianship to the Claytons? It would have been odd if you ended up with the guy whose parents held your guardianship," Lydia said with a smile. "Us four adults thought about this for a long time. Only when you were engaged to Xavier would you learn about the wizarding world."

     "Then I have bad news, Bellatrix ruined the surprise." I was tense as the two figures continued to stare at me. 

     Silence filled the room but I soon broke it. "I must be going now," I spoke. My feet took me towards the lone door. 

     "There are enchantments on that door. It will not be easily passed through," Trevor said. I ignored him and held my palms up. 

     "Enchantments can be broken," I whispered. Light filled the room as the enchantment fell from the room. It fluttered from the ceiling like peeled wallpaper. 

     The figures of Trevor and Lydia appeared in front of the door. "Carrie, you need to stay here. It isn't safe out there for you." 

     Light shone from my body. It blurred my vision as I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I was still in the room. "This isn't possible!" I exclaimed. "I've broken through more powerful!" 

     "Sometimes power does not beat power."

* * *

"You have to believe me! I know how we can find her," Ron growled. The Aurors ignored the man, believing that he was grasping at straws. 

     Ron gripped the piece of torn fabric in his hand. He had sent George to the Burrow to gather the family. If the Ministry wasn't going to find Catherine, then he would. 

     It didn't take long for Ron to find himself standing in front of a large crowd. There were many friends of Catherine as she impacted many people. The Weasleys, Harry, the Lupins, Tonks family, and many more were waiting for Ron to speak. Mrs. Weasley had volunteered to watch the watch Teddy and Emmaline in order for Ginny to help. 

     "We all know Cate. She has saved our lives, brought us together, and overall been the best of friend. Cate is like my sister who loves George and her daughter. I have a piece of fabric that was torn off either Cate or the assailant. We'll track it and hopefully return Cate home," Ron announced. 

     The group began to talk amongst themselves as those who knew Cate best surrounded Ron. "If Moody was alive he'd make the Aurors wet themselves," Tonks huffed. Even if her coworkers weren't going to help, she was. 

     "Hermione, if you will," Remus said. His wife stood beside him, fuming. Stealth and Tracking was one of the tests she nearly failed in Auror training. It was only natural that she did not track Cate. Her emotions would only cloud her judgement and jeopardize her already bad tracking skills. 

     The bushy-haired witch, hair that had calmed a bit over time, held the piece of fabric. Her wand was at the ready and shot a spell into the cloth. "H-He's here," Hermione spoke. 

     "Spread out," Tonks ordered. The large group split into pairs. 

     George and Fred crept through the garden. Their eyes scanned the tomato vines before resting on a large leaf pile. Ginny, before handing them over to her mum, had duplicated a small amount of leaves to let Teddy and Emma jump in the leaves. 

     "Mum?" Fred called out. It was quiet. "Em?" 

     "Daddy!" Emma screeched. She ran towards him with a big smile on her face. Teddy was quick on her heels but had a frightened look instead. 

     "Stranger!" Teddy yelled. "Stranger!" 

     Leaves crunched under Fred's feet as he knelt down to pick Teddy and Emma up. "Stupefy!

     Fred ducked as his wand was caught between Emma's body and his own. "Over here!" he yelled. "He's over here!" 

     The door to the Burrow flew open and people pulled out. "Put your wand down!" Tonks yelled. "Put it down, Xavier!" 

     Ginny planted herself in front of Fred and the kids. Her wand acted of its own accord as it shot spell after spell at Xavier. 

    At first, he was keeping up with the spells. His shields were getting later and later with the influx of spells. "We need him alive, Ginny!" Arthur yelled. It was very much unlike him but he was missing a girl who was another daughter to him. 

     "That's if she's alive," Xavier chuckled. Ginny let out a frustrated yell. "Let's see what you got, little girl."

* * *

"Could this be a lock of some sort?" I muttered. There was no door, just a doorway. 

     Standing on my toes, I searched the corners of the doorframe. A lone nail stood out against the hammered in nails. "Now what are you doing here?" 

     I wrapped my hand around the nail and yanked hard. "Carrie, that's not the way you'll be able to get out," Trevor said. 

     "Then tell me how to get out," I rounded on them. "Because I want to get to my daughter!" 

     Lydia stayed quiet while Trevor sent her a sideways look. "If you keep running your hand along the frame, you'll find a knot in the wood. In that knot is a charmed device. Break that device and you'll be able to get out. 

     "I won't say I'm sorry. In my eyes, Xavier still knows best for you. But if this is the way that you see that, than I'm all for that," Lydia said. 

     "This will not help," Trevor hissed. 

     "It'll help me. Thank you-" I hesitated. "Mom."

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