Chapter 19

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"George!" I yelped. "Can you go get Ginny? Oh, and your mother too?" 

     Footsteps were heard outside of the small bathroom the entire family shared. "What's wrong, Cate?" George asked. "You can tell me."

     "I just really need your mother and sister, please, love," I pleaded. Rapid footfalls were nearing the bathroom door. 

     The door handle jingled and I unlocked it. Aunt Molly and Ginny slipped into the bathroom. "What is it, dearie?" Aunt Molly asked me. Tears escaped my eyes and she gasped before Ginny wiped them away. 

     "You're late, aren't you?" Ginny suddenly asked. I choked back a sob and nodded. "How long?"

     I took a deep breath in and sat on the closed toilet seat. "Just before I left Romania," I whispered. Ginny pulled me into a hug as my breathing became uneven. Aunt Molly stood near the locked door and didn't even move. 

     Ginny looked towards her mum. "Mum, do you have any pregnancy tests?" She hissed under her breath. 

     Aunt Molly shook her head. "N-No, I haven't any need for them after we had you, Ginny," I held in a sob as Ginny rubbed my back. "But we'll go into town tomorrow and get some. All the shops would be closed by now anyways."

     "We were so careful," I whispered. "I'm only twenty and we just got engaged, how could this happen?"

     "It's alright, Cate," Aunt Molly comforted me as she knelt in front of the toilet seat. "We'll find a way to get through this. George will be thrilled if you are."

     "If he isn't thrilled, I'm really good at a Bat-Boogie Hex," Ginny laughed. I weakly laughed with her and Aunt Molly had a ghost of a smile on her face. "We'll figure this out tomorrow."

     "I have been gaining weight, but I haven't thought anything about it," I added. "I only thought it was from Aunt Molly's cooking. She knows how to make someone full even if we're in hiding."

     Ginny helped wipe the tears away from my face and make me presentable. "We're having soup for dinner," Aunt Molly spoke. 

     But as we exited the bathroom, Ginny gasped. She felt around her pants till she found a pocket. "It's time," it was as if she had seen a ghost. "Neville says Harry, Ron, and Hermione are at Hogwarts and there's going to be a fight." 

     A Galleon rested in her left hand. My eyes looked at the odd writing on the coin until I realized it was one of the fake Galleons Hermione had created for Dumbledore's army in Fred and George's seventh year. They were used to avoid an insane professor from the Ministry of Magic named Dolores Umbridge. 

     "Let's go," Fred spoke first. George replaced where his mum had been as she disappeared. 

     "I'll grab my coat and some shoes," I spoke. "George, where'd you put my shoes?"

     "By our bed. They might have gone under it accidentally," he told me. I kissed his cheek and went into where most of the family slept. Ginny and Fred slept in the small room with us but they had separate mattresses on the floor. Charlie shares with Fred. George and I share a full size mattress that we both barely fit on with George being so tall. 

     "What do you mean that you'll grab your coat and shoes?!" Ginny burst as she followed me into the room. "You could be pregnant and you're going into battle."

     I rounded on her. "And what if I'm not?! What if I stay here and you get hurt, or Fred, your parents, Charlie, GEORGE? I can't let any of you get hurt, especially George and if I am pregnant, I hope this child understands that I'm going into war with them to protect our family? If any of you get hurt because I'm not there, I'll never live with myself and then I'll be gone myself!" I yelled. "I can't let that happen!"

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