Chapter 9

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A green-and-gold comet came zooming into the stadium. It circled the stadium, then split into two smaller comets, each hurtling toward the goal post. A rainbow arced suddenly across the field, connecting the two balls of light. The crows ooohed and aaaaahed, as though at a fireworks display. Now the rainbow faded and the balls of light reunited and merged; they had formed a great shimmering shamrock, which rose up into the sky and began to soar over the stands. Something like golden rain seemed to be falling from it.

     "Galleons?" I asked the twins. They were stuffing the gold coins into their pockets and I had to stop from myself from laughing. "I imagine they're not real," I told them. They didn't speak but stopping putting them into their pockets. "Sorry guys, but -" George started stuffing the coins into my large jacket pockets and Fred soon joined.

     "Boys!" Dad sharply said. They stopped but as we sat down once more, I felt coins sliding into my pockets from either side of me. I burst out laughing and looked towards the field again. "Leprechauns!"

     The large shamrock dissolved, the leprechauns drifted down onto the field on the opposite side from the veela, and settled themselves cross-legged to watch the match.

     "And now, ladies and gentleman, kindly welcome - the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team! I give you - Dimitrov!"

     A scarlet-clad figure on a broomstick, moving so fast it was blurred, shot out onto the field from an entrance far below, to wild applause from the Bulgarian supporters. I politely clapped for every name called as Molly told me to do. She talked to me about what to at the World Cup and what not to do.

     I swear, Ron was about to faint when Viktor Krum came out on his broom. Apparently, from what I've heard from Ron, he's only eighteen.

     "And now, please greet - the Irish National Quidditch Team!" yelled Ludo. "Presenting - Connolly! Ryan! Troy! Mullet! Moran! Quigley! Aaaaaand - Lynch!"

     Seven green blurs swept onto the field. It was brilliant! Just amazing that they were going this fast on broomsticks! "And here, all the way from Egypt, our referee, acclaimed Chairwizard of the International Association of Quidditch, Hassan Mostafa!"

     Soon, the referee started the game. I was barely able to keep up. Ludo was only able to saw names as it was passed back and forth form one team to the next.

     "TROY SCORES!" roared Ludo, and the stadium shuddered with a roar of applause and cheers. "Ten zero to Ireland!" Harry protested and was quieted by Hermione who was jumping up and down as Troy made an honor lap around the field.

    The leprechauns watching from the sidelines had risen into the air again and formed the great, glittering shamrock. Across the field, the veela were watching them sulkily. It was quite hilarious and the veela deserved it.

     The Irish Chasers were flawless, scoring twice after that first goal. The brought their lead to thirty-zero and caused a thunderous tide of roars and applause from the green-clad supporters.

     But the Bulgarian Beaters became relentless so the Irish had to match their level. Volkov and Vulchanov, the Bulgarian Beaters, were whacking the Bludger as fiercely as possible at the Irish Chasers, and were starting to prevent them from using some of their best moves. After some time, Bulgaria scored.

     "Fingers in your ears!" bellowed Dad as the veela started to dance in celebration. Fred decided to not listen so George and I had to haul him back. But still George wasn't affect by the entrancing veela that got nearly every man and boy to be memorized.

     Once, Krum feigned a dive at the Snitch and Lynch followed him only to slam into the ground when he couldn't pull up in time. But Lynch was fine after being revived by mediwizards using potions, George told me.

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