Chapter 27

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Meeting hall

"Nay!" Whack.
Shannon pouted and tried again to slide his hand up Alasdair's kilt. Alasdair eye balled him and whack. Son of a bitch slapped his hand again.
"I said nay." Alasdair repeated. He stood up from the bed and walked to the door.
"What do you mean nay! Its been three weeks Alasdair" Shannon huffed.
"Nay means nay. Don't be needing to explain myself. Will you be attending the clans meeting tomorrow morning or are you to tired or in discomfort" he said.
"Do you not find me attractive anymore?" asked Shannon as he rubbed his eight month pregnant belly.
"Shannon the meeting" Alasdair asked annoyed.
"Fine I will attend the damn meeting if its so important" Shannon gritted through his teeth.

"Aye its damn important. Its where  clansmen can come and say his peace or his grievances and asked his chief for a solution or advise" Alasdair said calmly. He did not want to work Shannon up more than he already was. Call him stupid but he refuse to built his marriage on sex alone. There should be trust, understanding , communication and all that. He wants that so now he's withholding sex from Shannon. "My poor little love is practically steaming from the ears" he thought.
"Well I got some work to do why don't you sleep. Its to be an early morning and a long tomorrow" he said and walked out the door. Alasdair heard a thud as Shannon threw something against the door. He can't say he blames him. He himself is frustrated. How many times have he finished himself off these past weeks. He locked himself in his study. Its a waiting game. He have to wait until Shannon is asleep.

Nothing! Three weeks of being back in Scotland and he got nothing from Alasdair. Shannon gritted his teeth as he pulled the bedcovers back viciously. His ass and balls is going to burst. He so damn horny he's even contemplated shoving a candle up his damn hole. Oh Alasdair is punishing him real good for not believing and trusting him.
"Nay! " he mimicked Alasdair.
"Tomorrow, this shit is going to end even if he have to crawl and beg. Cock he's gonna get" he vowed.

The next morning

Alasdair bit back his smile. He watched Shannon waddle to the meeting hall. He looked absolutely stunning in the plum and cream coloured dress he was wearing. His little body heavy with child. His little love seemed to be in a mood today. Shannon growled at him this morning when he kissed him. Smacked his hand away when he tried to help him out of bed.
Aye he was in a mood.

Shannon made his way to the middle of the table. His seat was next to Alasdair with the chief's council surrounding them. They waited until he took his place. He was relieved when he felt Alasdair putting a small pillow behind his back before he took his own seat. He watched as Alasdair pounded his big fist on the table opening the meeting. Two men step forward and bowed. One old one young.
"Me lord he stole me goat and chickens. Two hen's and a cock" the old man said.
"Me lord , the goat is mine. He sold it to me and the chickens came into my hen house I dinna stole them" the younger one said.

"If you sold the goat then its his. The chickens you can take back" Alasdair said.
"He dinna pay me for the goat so how is it his" asked the old man.

Shannon watched as the younger male wrung his hand together nervously. Alasdair was about to speak but Shannon stopped him with his hand on his thigh.
"Why did you claim the goat if you did not pay for it" Shannon asked the young man. The man looked embarrassed.
"Your grace" he cleared his throat " the crops are in late bloom and me wife just gave birth to our third but her breast is dry.
We need the goat to feed the child. I reckoned I pay me neighbour when I sell the crop to the castle your grace. He dunno need the coin so urgently he have a plenty."

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