Chapter 21: Memories

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"I was going to ask you.. If you would like go to May Bash with me."

"Yes!" the answer was out before my mind could comprehend what was just asked.

"Really? Ok! We will have to figure out an outfit later." Christian replied as he shut the door of my car.

I looked at my clock. It was only 5, though it felt like 9. Once I got home, I had a quiet dinner with my parents. They went up stairs, and I went to my room to do homework. I finished it quickly. There wasn't really much to do, so I decided to watch a movie. I went downstairs, and popped in Harry Potter.

I fell asleep not long after the movie started and awoke to a soft vibration in my pocket. I expected to see a text from Christian, but was surprised when I had 5 texts from different people.

The first was from Amy.

Hey Quinn. :) I was wondering what you were doing next Saturday. The girls and I want to go to the movies, and you're welcome to come. -A

I texted her back.

Sounds great, I'll see if I can come. -Q

The second was from Christian.

Did you make it home ok? -C

I replied.

Yeah. I'm feeling better. I'm watching Harry Potter if you want to come over. -Q

Next was one from Shadow.

Hey girl! Christian told me you said yes. Yay! I think you guys are cute together. Anyways. I am compiling a list of couples for ideas. If you have any that come to mind text me. -S

We look cute together? We aren't even dating. As far as I knew, we were just friends. Friends go to dances together. Oh Shadow..

Shadow, what do you mean we are cute together? Christian and I are just friends. And sounds good. -Q

I also had a text from Tyler.

Quinn, I am so so so sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you. Please forgive me. -T

I ignored his text. I was still angry at him. Pregnant girl emotions...

The last was the most shocking. It was from Derek. I remembered putting his number in my phone regardless just so I knew who it was, and not mistaking it for some random number. Here it was flashing on my screen. It was an intrusion, it was unwanted, but I opened it anyways.

It read...

Come back to me, Quinn. I love you. I'm so sorry. If you come back, I promise I'll get clean. I'll explain everything. Please Babe. I want you back. I want us. I want our baby. I love you. -D

I didn't really know what to think. Maybe Tyler had broken through and snapped some sense into him. It didn't matter. Derek would forever be my ex. I would never get back together with him. He hurt me beyond repair, and for what? One night where he could have fun. He didn't foresee the consequences. But the real question was why.

I heard a knock on the door. I didn't feel like getting up. "Come in." I yelled. I didn't bother to lift my head. I felt the couch dip, and a strong hand wrap around my waist. Christian pulled me closer to him. I snuggled into his chest. He was so warm. He wiped a stray year from my eye.

"What's wrong?" He asked sweetly. I didn't really want to talk about it. He didn't need to know what Derek said. I just shook my head and buried my head farther into his chest. About this time Harry was battling his way through the maze.

Soon Cedric was dead, and Harry was crying. I was crying too. Stupid pregnant emotions. Christian stroked my hair. "Shh.. Quinn, it's ok."

I handed him my phone. The message from Derek was still open on the screen. I think he understood when he snapped my phone shut.

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