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I coughed, waving away the smoke.

And glitter. Why the heck is there glitter?

"Gotcha! Oh. Uh. Steve right? Sorry-"

"About that." The two Hermes brothers stared at me.

"It's okay. Who was that meant for?" I seriously should hurry up and find out what Tony blew up.

"Clarisse. Loki said we should use one of our glitter mines. Said it would be awesome."

Of course Loki put kids up to this.

But I can't blame him completely. These kids are obviously troublemakers.

It's so obvious that if you can't see it you're blind.

The twin troublemaker grins. And not to mention the fact they're always carrying a bag from which you can see various pranking materials.

The fact their dad helped Percy prank us.

And the fact their cabin door looks like multiple weapons have been thrown at it.


"Okay. Do you know what blew up? I have a feeling-"

"It was Tony. He accidentally knocked over something and then there was a big boom and smoke started pouring out of Cabin Nine." Travis, I think, started.

"But that happens a lot. We kinda expected it. Leo's death hit them hard." Connor finished.

"Do you know where I can find Percy?" I quickly tried to get the subject away from that.

It has to be hard on the campers. I mean. Look at me.

I still have nightmares.

And I was asleep for like seventy so years.

These are kids. They shouldn't be fighting wars.

"They wish they didn't have to. But it is a necessity."

I jumped. "I wish you wouldn't do that."

"Ah but I am not a genie. I am but a demigod."

Loki walked around me with that smirk.

The one that is shared with troublemakers around the world.

The Stolls left, probably to set up another prank.

"Children shouldn't have to fight."

Loki sighed. "They're the only ones who can. Demigods are the gods defense against lesser threats."

"And major threats?" Kronos was definitely a major threat. But you didn't see them helping then did ya?

"Gods are hard to understand. But the war against the Titans. The prophecy kept them from interfering. It was fated." His eyes took on a dark look. "I wish Percy would understand that."

"Speaking of him, do you know where he's at?"

Closing his eyes, Loki mumbled something. "In the Big House. The infirmary."

"What?! Why?"

"Now if you would let me focus I could figure that out." He subtlety told me to shut the hell up.

"Let's see. Well. Today is his birthday. And that would be...oh gods above." Loki covered his mouth.


"He was going to propose to Annabeth today."

My jaw dropped slightly. He blames himself. It's the day he was going to propose to his dead girlfriend. And it's the day he handed another kid a knife.

That he knew was going to be used to take the kid's life.

"Let's go." I looked at him. I need to make sure he didn't try to kill himself.

Loki grabbed ahold of my shoulder and we were surrounded in a pale blue light.

Then we reappeared in a hallway, where all but one door was open.

"What the heck? You can teleport?" I questioned astonished.

The Norse demigod was breathing heavily.

"Yes. But it is rather tiring. So I'm just going to...rest for a moment." He leaned against the wall before sliding down it.

Okay...that wasn't odd.

I walked to the one closed door and stood before it.

I don't want to knock. Cause what if he's asleep? I don't want to ruin any good sleep he gets.

But I don't want to open it. Cause what if he's receiving medical treatment? I don't want to screw anything up.

I shook my head. I'll just open the door.

So I did.

And what I saw was both adorable and amazing and shocking.

Adomacking? Adorazking? Adorazing and amocking?

Percy was laying on top of his father who held him close to his chest.

My grandson had his face buried in his father's shirt and his fingers were tangled in the material.

I carefully treaded over and kissed the top of his head.

I'll just go.

I was almost out the door and then...

"Steve?" Percy asked.

"Yeah buddy?"

"If Tony blew something up in Cabin Nine, don't worry. And tell Loki to get some sleep knowing him he teleported something. And take Blackjack some donuts."

Man. Is this what he normally deals with?

Poseidon mumbled something softly. I couldn't understand it but Percy seemed to.

"I will. And uh. Anything else I should know?" This whole situation is confusing for me.

"Uh. The Aphrodite cabin will ship you with Loki if you carry him. Or anyone for that matter."

"Nice to know. Now get some sleep."

"Mm okay."

I walked out of the room, shutting the door behind me.

Why the heck do I need to give the pegasus donuts?

Sorry for this being a bit short. But I've had a bad day.

My REACH teacher died. So yeah...

I totally didn't cry for an hour.

That's why this is crappy.

So ah

See yah.

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