Chapter 7

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Steve Rodgers is my grandpa. If I was normal I'd probably be freaking out. Hades, I'm anything but normal.

This just goes to show though. The Fates have been messing with my life since before I was born.

"Okay... So do you guys have a pool?" I want to go swimming so bad. I haven't had a proper swim in ages. Okay, yesterday. Happy?

"Yeah, level sixty-two."

"Thanks." I was walking to the stairs when...

"The elevators the other way." Tony directed.

"I'm taking the stairs." I yelled, I was already at the door. I felt someone run up behind me. It was my grandfather. Wow, that sounds so weird since I'm not using it to describe someone who wants to kill me.

"I'm coming with you. If I spend any more time with Tony I might jump out of the window."

"Well, it is very relaxing. At least until you realize how high up you are." Unless its over water. Oh wait, that's only me.

Steve laughed. Until he realized I wasn't kidding.

I raced down the stairs before he could comment. Sixty-eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two. I skipped the last three stairs and raced into the gym.

In the middle was an Olympic sized pool. Hades yeah!

I jumped in, fully clothed. Why would I wear a swimsuit if I can't get wet? I sank to the bottom and sat. Why is it sank? Why not sinked? I remembered I wasn't with someone who knew what I was. Don't want anymore questions.

I pushed off the bottom. I took a few deep breaths for effect. I started swimming laps. The water kept energizing me. Steve came in, dressed in American Flag swim shorts. He cannonballed into the pool. He swam over to me and tried to dunk me, but I slipped out of his grasp like water.

Each time he tried to start a conversation I would splash him until he got the message. I happened to glance towards the door and I saw my dad standing there smiling. I raised an eyebrow at him and he laughed. I felt myself being pulled down. Real funny Dad, real funny.

I swam back up to the surface, only to see Steve looking at my dad.

"Who are you?" He asked. I almost laughed, I pictured Zeus in this situation.

"Percy, how are you?" My dad ignored Steve.

"Good. Why are you here?" I had asked for them to leave me alone.

"I asked if I could come visit you without dragging you into our business, and my brother said yes. May I ask who this is?" He nodded at Steve.

"He's my grandpa." Noticing his face blanch I quickly added, "Mom's side."

"Isn't he a bit... Young? He can't be older than your mother."

"I was frozen in ice for about seventy years, I believe." He explained.

"Mom was adopted by three elderly woman after Steve's 'death' and she was found and adopted by the Jacksons thirty or forty years ago. Still a baby." I explained.

"How is your mother? Is she happy?" I shifted uncomfortably. I thought Hades would have told him.

"I'm surprised your brother didn't tell you."

My dad's face morphed into one of horror. The water was swirling in the pool. I counteracted it with my own power.

"How?" My dad's voice was barely a whisper.

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