Chapter 5

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   How did that kid beat Thor? Thor must outweigh that kid by like a hundred pounds!

   "So Percy, want to go against me?"

That kid couldn't have beat Thor in a fair fight. He probably did something underhanded. I trained in every underhand trick you could do. No way was that kid gonna beat me again.

"Sure, hand to hand I'm guessing?" I nodded he was like a mind reader.

We moved to the sparring mat. I crouched, lowering my center of gravity. I decided to go easy on him and throw the first punch. He stepped under it easily and used my forward momentum to push me on the ground. He put his arm against my throat. Instead of tapping I rolled over, trapping him underneath me. This time I had my arm at his throat. He didn't tap, he just gave a small smirk, nothing big, just a slight rising at the corner of his mouth. 

He brought his legs up to his chest. I let him, wanting to see what he would do. He suddenly pushed out with his feet, launching me like ten feet into the air. I did a backflip before landing gently on my feet.

Well, that's what I wished happened. I was caught of guard from him launching me that high so I didn't have time to react. I landed with a thud on the thick matting.

I dusted myself off before walking over to the others. Man, that kid was strong. 


Natasha really has to work on her combat skills. I know she was going easy on me, so I in turn went easy on her. I wasn't even trying and the fight was over in less than five minutes. 

"So do you have any blue food?" I asked. I was hungry after that. Actually, no. I've been hungry for days. Food is life. After my nightmares, I usually throw up everything in my stomach. Surely a little something now couldn't hurt.

"None, except Thor's last blueberry Poptart. Trust me you do not want that. Thor murders anyone who touches them." Tony said.

"I will happily let Percy have it." Thor boomed. I'm guessing this is a rare occurrence by the others faces.

"Thanks, Thor."  I really wanted some blue food. Man, I miss my mom. When I said that they lived somewhere else I meant they lived in a cemetery. I came home one night to find them dead, covered in blood.

A hellhound was in my room, no doubt it was sent here for me. I had called 911. When the police got there I told them I would stay with a relative, giving them the number Hestia had given me if I had a problem with mortal authorities. I asked them not to put any records of my parents' deaths online or in the paper until the case was solved. Not closed, solved. That was a move Annabeth would have been proud of, they would never catch the culprit because I vaporized it into sand.

We made our way to the kitchen, where Thor grabbed his last Poptart and held it out to me. I was so hungry I ate it without toasting it.

"So... Who do you live with?" Tony was being nosey.

"Does it matter?" I really didn't want to have to go into the system. Leo hated the system. Too bad he was dead.

"He lives alone," Natasha butted in. I scowled.

"No I don't. My guardian wasn't home."

"Why did I hear you talking to that goth boy and then that girl you called Thals?" So she was eavesdropping. Well a demigod always has a backup plan. Even if its usually run.

"My cousin Nico was visiting and both him and Thals are a lot older than they look." I was trying not to laugh.

"So Percy, I suppose you want to get some sleep?" Steve clapped his hands together. I wasn't crazy for the idea with my nightmares, but they would think something was up, a mortal would no doubt be tired after two fights in a row.

"Sure," I faked enthusiasm. I think Natasha noticed, but I don't care.

"Percy you can use my room." Thor boomed.

"Thanks," I really was glad that he offered. He can keep me awake and from having flashbacks. And if I did fall asleep he could get me to a lake or the ocean fast enough.

Gods of Olympus. I haven't updated for a while. All is good though. I am currently stabbing Writer's block with a Celestial Bronze sword. I've also been working on my crossover book between Avengers, Rune Factory 4, and a Pokemon book I wrote. So peace out. Whatever you do don't fall off of Olympus.

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