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Percy's dream/nightmare

" So you think you can escape me?" Tartarus laughed as he shoved the dagger deeper into my stomach.

   "Well you can't!" He walked away my chains disappearing.

    I collapsed in a heap on the dungeon floor, in a pool of my own blood.

     He walked back in, whip in hand.

The whip was one I knew well by now. It was made of black chain with glass shards every three inches.

   He whipped me fifty times. I bit my lip. A scream would only motivate him.

    "Aw no scream? We can fix that." He poured a vial of what I guess to be Styx Water over my back.

It hurt like, well, the Styx.

   The pain was too much, I screamed until my voice was raw.

   "You're waking up. Too bad, this was fun. Maybe we can meet up in the real world?"

   "Fat chance." I croaked as everything faded to black.

    End of nightmare

Steve's POV

I couldn't for the life of my figure out what just happened.

One second I would see a lady with a jetpack, the next a flying bat creature.

I know that I need to get more information about Percy's dad and his family.

I don't want my grandson, that sounds so odd to say me a grandfather, to have to worry about getting killed.

  Percy walked out onto the terrace and looked up.

  When he walked back in I could see a trail from a tear falling down his face.

I didn't pay him any mind as he decided to go to bed. It must be Seasonal Affective Disorder or whatever.

"Tony I think we might want to hit the hay." Knowing the billionaire he would stay up all night staring at the TV drinking until he passes out.

   "You go on ahead, I'm going to get some work done."

    "Okay. No drinking though."

I walked into my room and changed into a pair of sweatpants and a white tank top.

   Pulling aside the duvet, I slid under the covers and laid my head on the pillow.

   When I close my eyes I can almost imagine that I'm back in the barracks, still in my own time.

   I drifted off into sleep, my dreams littered with the good times with Bucky.

      I woke up earlier than usual do to a sound we don't usually hear in the tower.

A scream.

    I jumped out of bed as another scream pierced the air.

     I slammed my door open and sprinted towards the source of the scream.

Percy's room.

I banged on the door yelling at him to open the door.

    Clint and Natasha walked out into the hallway glaring at me.

    "What's with the racket?" Natasha asked as Clint turned up the volume on his hearing aids.

       My reply was silenced by another scream. Now everyone was in the hall alongside me banging on the door.

"JARVIS OPEN THE DOOR!" I yelled. The door unlocked and we all fell in as JARVIS automatically opened it.

Percy was writhing around on his bed, blood streaming from his stomach. He had several cuts over his arms and most likely a stab wound in his stomach. I started shaking him as Thor ran out of the room.

A moment later he ran back in carrying a bucket of water that he immediately poured over Percy.

The effect was instantaneous. 

Percy shot up clutching his stomach. Thor ran out before returning with another bucket of water. 

Percy reached his hand into the water and we watched amazed as the water crawled up his arm and all of his injuries healed as the water touched them.

He looked over, noticing us for the first time and said, "Sup?"

"You were being injured in your sleep and all you can say is 'Sup?'!" I screeched.

"I am fine. Morning." He walked out of the room going God knows where.

Are all kids like this? Or is it just Percy. And Clint. And Tony. 

I hope not.

Okay I am giving you some choices. Whichever one gets the most votes in the comments will happen. Voting ends February 1, 2017.

1) (FEM.)Percy Jackson meets Avengers

2) (Fem.) Percy Jackson x Rise of the Guardians

Okay those are the two choices. If I get a tie I'll prewrite chapters before posting.

Thanks my wonderful demiAvengers

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