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First up is Tony.

"What's you got in mind for him?" I asked devilishly.

"Messing a bit with his robot."

"I am not a robot as I don't have a body. Instead I am an AI. And I am all for messing with Master Stark. He tried to get me a date with Siri."

Cool. The AI agrees.

"J. Make it so every time Tony asks a question you cuss him out. And throw in whatever you want." I said.

Hermes and Apollo were smirking.

"You are learning young padowon," Hermes said.

"Well I learned from your kids so... I learned from the best at camp."

He smiled. Not a happy smile. A plotting smile.

I feel bad for the camp now. Like really bad.

"Okay. Let's not do Bruce. We don't want him hulking out."

"Actually I have a way to prank him. You can set a prank up with Hermes and I can get some music to keep him from Hulking."

"Really?" I was skittlical. Wait skepticles. No skeptical.

There we go.


We then got a bunch of cats, don't ask where, and put them in Bruce's lab.

After placing barriers around the chemicals and machines.

I may be a Kelp Head but I'm not that stupid.

"Hermes you do Nat. I don't want to get killed."

"Why me? Why not Apollo?" He didn't want to do it either.

"Yes, because he is such a good prankster."

"Hey I'm good at everything. I'll do a haiku to prove it."

"No!" Me and Hermes screamed at the same time.

No one wants to hear those. No one.

"Fine. I'll do it."

I think he put a pink paint bomb with some craft feathers in there. But I'm not going to check.

"Steve. I've got a good one." I had Hermes get me some of those Miss America sashes.

Hey its my grandpa but I am in the pranking mood, which is rare nowadays.


"He's here? Oh boy we've got something special for him." The look on their faces scared me. Like honest to gods scared me. I feel bad for Thor.

Like really bad.


"Leave that to me couz." Apollo rushed off. Then came back.

"I enchanted his quiver to never run out. But during training the arrows will be glitter bombs."

I take it back. Apollo can actually prank.

"Let's hide. We do not want to be around for this." Hermes wove a barrier to hide us.

A little later... Some cussing ahead. You have been warned

"Jarvis have you seen Percy?" Let the fun begin.

"No I haven't fucking seen him. I don't have eyes oh so wise one. Get up off your lazy arse and look yourself." Every sentence was punctuated with an air raid siren.

I laughed so hard I was glad the barrier absorbed sound.

"Do I have to reprogram you?"

"No you don't. And don't event think about replacing me or I will slap you into the Sun."

He may have said that in some more creative words but that's the gist.

"Clint!" A very angry Natasha stormed in covered in neon pink paint and blue feathers.

"What?!" Clint came in from the elevator covered in glitter.

"So many cats!" Bruce ran in followed by a herd of cats.

Oh I forgot we replaced his spray deodorant with some that was catnip infused.

"Guys we have an issue." Steve walked out in a shirt that has a sash stitched to it.

"You think Rodgers?" Everyone took a step away.

"Let it drop." I told Hermes and he dropped the veil.

"Well you guys look beautiful. J? Picture." A flash went off as Jarvis took the picture.

"Here you go young sir." He printed out four copies, two of which went to my cousins. One was for the Avengers.

The other is for me.

Not everyday you see them like this.

"You did this?!" Nat screeched.

"Nope. He did." I pointed to my cousin.

"Who are you?" Everyone stared at my two godly cousins.

"I'm Hermes. That's Apollo. I think you can figure out who we are. Bye Perce."

They mini flashed out.

Then someone came in.

"What is going on here?"

Uh oh.

I know its sucky but I'm tired and I have to visit my brother and sister tomorrow (Saturday) and I have to write some more chapters for other stories.

I have serious procrastination problems.

Enjoy this.

Cause it was family bonding. And just really a filler.

Bye. Mari

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