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Though I was no longer confined exclusively to the bed, I was still stuck in that room for another month before Arthur diagnosed me as healed enough to leave. I'd already been walking around a bit, strengthening my legs slowly and retraining myself to walk. At first, both Tobias and Arthur had forbidden me from so much as standing when they weren't there, as I couldn't hold myself up on my own, and had to rely heavily on Tobias for support while my hip was still healing, and even after getting the go ahead, I still walked with a slight limp.

The deep gashes in my back were the last thing Arthur had to focus on in the end. After carefully removing the stitches that had helped seal the many wounds, the doctor gave me a smile and said I was free to wander, wear normal clothes, and join Tobias in an actual bedroom located on the fifth floor with the rest of the top tier members of the rebellion.

I found it kind of surprising that they wanted me so close to them considering I was a well-known member of their enemy, but decided not to bring that up. If they wanted me on the top floor, then fine, if I was with Tobias, I didn't really care where they put me. Though I was endlessly pleased that I could walk around now.

My legs were rather stiff and achy since I hadn't used them in so long, in fact my entire body felt underused and sore, but I could walk without any pain to my hips, and I was able to wear jeans and shoes, which made me feel much more secure, so I could deal with a few pinched muscles that I had to work out.

Nearly every inch of my skin was marred by rather horrific scarring, though my back was probably the worst, and my paranoia and panic had gotten at least ten times more severe. I was so freaked out about everything that I couldn't be a step away from Tobias after we left that room without starting to shake. Don't get me wrong, I was so happy to stand up and walk, but leaving that room meant I had to be around strangers, members of a rebellion who were dead-set on ending my brother and everyone associated with him.

I was naturally going to be wary around them when I left that room, and it wasn't surprising at all that Tobias was overprotective and clingy, keeping an arm around me and pulling me close whenever we passed one of the soldiers of the rebellion. In the past it would make me somewhat annoyed when he did that, but now I didn't mind as much, because I felt much safer in my husband's arms.

Husband. I still blushed whenever I thought of that word, whenever I mouthed it or whispered it to myself, whenever I looked at Tobias and reminded myself that's what he was to me now. Not just my lover, not just a man I adored with all my heart, but my husband. If any good thing was to come of my assault, I was glad it was our marriage.

The first thing I did when Arthur said I was free was follow he and Tobias up to the bedroom they had prepared for us, then took a long shower when we were alone while Tobias contacted Adalwolf to update the man on my condition. After being in bed for so long, I smelt awful, and sure I still bathed, but this was the first time it was safe for me to scrub shampoo into my hair and wash my skin with soap until the suds were so lathered I looked like a piece of cotton.

Tobias was certainly happy when I came out of the bathroom, wrapping his arms around me and burying his nose against my neck before telling me I smelt a lot better now that I'd scrubbed the sweat off.

It took me a little to get used to our bedroom, I'd been confined in the hospital suite for so long, and I really wasn't sure how long we'd be with the rebellion now that I was better, but Tobias did his best to make me feel more comfortable and at home. As much as I hated the idea, we were there for a reason. I needed to keep my word and tell the rebellion everything I knew about Bay's government.

I still had a duffel bag filled with all my important belongings, as well as several bags of clothes that I'd stashed in the Jeep I'd given Dakota to escape. That meant I had plenty of clothes, and was perfectly happy to just stay in our room and cuddle, and for three days after leaving one room for another, that's basically all I did.

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