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Fairy lights. They were glowing, wrapped around the columns of the gazebo, with bundles of white and red flowers tied with the string of lights. There were glass orbs hanging off trees with tea candles burning in them, gold and red lanterns illuminating the walkway, the sun setting in the distance, and the area was completely vacant.

I was so confused, my fingers brushing over my throat as if Bay's hands would still be wrapped there, but instead I felt soft lace, and dropped my head down with a short gasp when I caught sight of what I was wearing. First, I was embarrassed, then confused, looking around the area until I saw a window and rushing over to it to see my reflection.

Stunned wasn't a strong enough word to describe what I was feeling, because for some reason I was dressed in a full length, pure white sleeveless wedding dress, with a high neck made of lace, and a skirt train that was layered and lace, admittedly gorgeous, but shocking that it was on me. Despite not having hips and a waist that would usually fit a wedding dress, considering I was male and dresses were normally meant for women, I kind of looked seriously good.

My red hair was styled as well as it could have been, a silver trinity knot circlet placed on my head, and a veil pinned to my hair at the back, falling down my back and over one shoulder. There was even the slightest dusting of silver over both my eyelids, black liner drawn around it to make the green of my eyes almost unbelievable to look at, and there was glitter across my cheeks.

There were white lace gloves on my hands that reached all the way up to my elbows, with the fingers cut off, the silk translucent, and in one hand was a bouquet of delicate yellow daffodils and stunning white edelweiss, wrapped in white tissue paper and a long red ribbon. On my left hand was the silver and diamond engagement ring from Tobias, and it glittered under the gentle lighting so wonderfully. I couldn't stop staring at myself, appalled at first that I was wearing a dress, but slowly getting used to it, because this was everyone's dream, right?

To get married, have the perfect wedding?

Really, who cared about what you wore, so long as you were binding your life with the one person you couldn't be without, the one person who stole your heart? Euphoria exploded in my chest, and I set my hand over my heart to feel the way it was gunning, tears welling in my eyes, but I didn't want to cry.

Everything was so perfect, but... there was no way it could be real. I was lying in a hospital bed at the rebellion, catatonic, unable to do much of anything besides lie there because of how traumatized my mind and body had been. Tobias... the one who I was supposed to share this day with.... He-.

"What are you doing outside, handsome sir?"

The familiar voice had my breath hitching, and I turned to see Tobias standing a few paces away, bending just slightly at the waist with one arm folded over his stomach, the other behind his back, bowing like the true gentleman he was. He looked amazing, in a pure black suit with a white tie, buttoned all the way with his black hair slicked back and his gorgeous hazel eyes illuminated by the light.

"Tobias," I choked out his name, and he smiled a little wider, watching me with this intense love that nearly made me cry again.

"You wandered off when I wasn't looking, Mr. Florian," he made sure to emphasize the name as he stepped up to me, offering me his arm, "I swear I can't turn my back on you for a moment."

"No...," I agreed softly, a broken smile forming onto my lips as I slipped my arm through his, "Is this... real?" I asked, and Tobias reached his left hand out to stroke my face.

"It's perfect, isn't it?" he asked, looking around, "Everything you wanted and more?"

"Yes," I breathed, pulling his hand away to kiss the silver band around his left hand, "But is it real?"

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