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I wasn't the kind of person who would willingly drug someone just to make them compliant, in fact people like that, people like Bay and Vinet, made me physically sick to my stomach. However, in a circumstance where pain killers needed to be administered, and those pain killers just happened to be strong enough to cause a patient to grow compliant and pliable, then who was I to argue? Whatever Adalwolf gave Tobias was meant to relax him enough to sleep, as well as fight whatever pain he could be in while he came out of his shock, the adrenaline fading from his system.

In addition to that, however, it also made him a little loose lipped. Adalwolf and I helped him into a back bedroom so he could lie down and rest, and the entire time he was just sighing and complaining about how unfair it was that he wasn't allowed to walk around, that he didn't understand what the point of this was. He didn't have to rest, he had things to do, and things like that.

Adalwolf was getting increasingly annoyed by the second, happy when we'd finally gotten Tobias on the bed, "Keep him there," he said to me, and that was it.

He didn't give me any advice or ideas on how to keep my drugged husband from fucking around, just told me to deal with it and left. So I stared at the door a moment before looking at the bed. For all his whining, Tobias was staying there, lying down with an arm thrown over his eyes, and after a minute I decided to just join him.

It was getting late by now, the sky was dark gray and getting darker, so I kicked my shoes off and climbed onto the bed, lying down on Tobias' right side, tugging at the arm over his eyes so he'd pull it away, allowing me access to lie down tucked against him, his arm wrapping around me.

"How are you feeling?"

He stared directly at the ceiling as if considering my question, "My shoulder feels strange."

"That's because you got hurt," I reminded, patting his chest, and he hummed.

"Right. Adalwolf fixed it?"

"He removed all the shards of glass and splinters and stitched you up," I answered, and Tobias nodded slowly.

"What am I doing now?"

"You're going to sleep," I said, shutting my eyes and wrapping an arm around him, rubbing his side, "It's late."

"... did I hit my head? It feels light."

"Because you're drugged, honey," I smiled a little, frowning when he started to move, rolling onto his side, though he kept his right arm stretched out under me, hand in my hair.

He was watching me with this oddly intense look in his eyes, and I tensed up, expecting him to say something serious, something that I wasn't ready for. Instead, he moved his left hand to touch my face.

"Carter?" he muttered my name as if he couldn't recognize me, and I lifted a hand to touch the fingers on my cheek.


"Oh... good," Tobias sighed, his face relaxing, and I smiled again, reaching up to push a few loose strands of his hair back.

"I'm right here, Tobias, I'm not going anywhere."

"No," Tobias nodded slowly, "You're... just really pretty."

I tried not to roll my eyes at that, deciding to go with it, "Am I?"

"Hm... we should get hitched."

"We're already married, honey," I reminded, and he blinked a bit in total surprise.

"What? Since when?"

I took his left hand with mine and lifted it up to show off the rings we wore, "A while now," he gaped at our hands, I just let him cling to me, "Close your eyes and sleep, you'll hopefully be back to normal tomorrow."

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