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I don't know if I was crying, or if I was just numb of all feeling, but for the rest of the drive, I was clutched in my husbands arms. At some point I lost track of the time, maybe I fell asleep, but by the time I could comprehend what was happening around me, we were driving at a crawling speed. Tobias was carding his fingers carefully through my hair, keeping my head held against his shoulder, his left arm folded across his stomach so he could hold my right hand, rubbing the back of it with his thumb, likely yet another attempt at keeping me calm.

"Swing a right down this street," I heard Bryn direct, "The address is on the right."

"These are some nice houses," Sasha noted, "Must have been occupied by some rich investors, or doctors, or something."

I blinked a few times, reaching up to rub my eyes and turn my head to glance out the window. It took me a moment, watching as we passed houses decorated by overgrown gardens, surrounded by high picket fences and iron gates, but I recognized the area. It took me sitting up straight to see better before it hit me, and I tasted bile in my mouth as I leaned towards the door to get a better look.

"Carter?" Tobias had a hand on my shoulder, but I didn't turn to him as I opened my mouth.

"I know where this is," I revealed, feeling stunned, "I don't understand, why would we come here?"

"Where is here?" Diego asked, and I pointed down the street towards a high iron fence tipped with spears, wrapped with thick ivy and hidden by overgrown bushes and trees.

"That gate, that's where we're going."

"You're... right," Bryn muttered, looking at the slip of paper Cass had given him before lifting his head, "The gate's open, soldiers are stationed there. They'll probably shoot us if they don't recognize us, huh?"

"I don't recognize them," Tobias offered, "They aren't from the original rebellion. Are they new soldiers?"

"Let's find out," Bryn waved at Klaus to slow the car, then rolled the window down, stopping for one of the soldiers to hike over to us, military grade rifle in his hands.

"State your name," he ordered, and Bryn held out the slip of paper.

"Keller, we're the Syndicate. Cassius Eliades gave us directions to a second rebellion sanctuary."

"Syndicate, you're a few hours behind them," the soldier dropped his arms and let his gun hang, stepping back and nodding, "Go on in, there's already a guest house made up for you."

"Guest house," Sasha repeated as Bryn rolled the window back up and Klaus drove towards the open gate, "Very nice."

From the outside of the fence, one would assume the yard within was just as unkempt and overgrown as the trees, bushes, and vines that completely blocked the inside from view, but once we'd driven through the gate, it was like we'd cruised into a completely different world. It was like we'd gone back in time. The garden, the entire yard, was almost exactly the same as it was eleven years ago.

The building that stood before us was three stories tall, but seemed so much bigger than the plantation house. It may not have been taller, but it was longer, made of marble and carved stone. The windows were almost all open, the double doors at the front propped with statues that looked like dragons, nix the wings.

"Bakunawa...," I said under my breath.

"Are we back in the modern world?" Sasha asked, standing up and leaning over the seat, "It's a god damn five seasons!"

"Four seasons," Diego corrected.

"This is the Inou mansion," I revealed, "This is... Demi's home."

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