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I didn't mind the early hour that we were asked to wake up at. I didn't mind when Tobias decided he didn't want me using a gun when we went out, and I didn't mind when it came out that we would be squeezing into two cars (as using more than that for such a simple mission seemed like a waste of energy and resources).

What I minded, greatly due to my anxiety, and what Tobias minded, likely due to his protectiveness, was when we stepped out of the house to see Cormac with the group of soldiers that had been chosen to accompany Josie to his set meeting with Andrei Oliveira and the rest of the Aspers.

He was standing near one of the two black panel vans with a rifle in his hands, leaning against the side of the vehicle as he checked the chamber of the weapon and loaded it, unaware that we were watching, or maybe he just didn't care.

Tobias and I caught sight of him at the same time, and my husband released my hand to instead wrap his arm around my shoulders, his eyes narrowing as he looked around the area for someone specific, calling out when he found the right person, "Navarro."

Josie paused in his conversation with Logan, which consisted mainly of Josie speaking and Logan nodding, and turned to Tobias, striding over to him so he wouldn't have to yell, "What's up?"

"What's Pershing doing here?" Tobias asked.

Josie turned to look over at Cormac, then back at Tobias, "He was one of the soldiers Kailas chose to join us on this mission," he answered, "We have to be cautious and stealthy when dealing with things like this, so Kailas picked soldiers he knew were loyal and trustworthy, as well as strong."

"Pershing is one such person, then," Tobias stated more than asked, skepticism in his voice, and Josie nodded.

"He's proven himself ten times over since Jayden's death, or so I've been told. I didn't know Jayden personally, but from what I've gathered he was a great man, and Kailas thinks Cormac is worthy of the position he inherited. Just a few months ago he saved my own life, as well as Dakota's and Isagani's. He's a good man, and I think he'll prove invaluable to this mission."

Tobias nodded without complaint, though he did appear unsettled, and when Josie walked away to deal with another detail of the preparations, Tobias turned to me, one hand squeezing my upper arm, not painfully, but firm enough to keep my attention, tight enough that I could easily tell he needed to tell me something important.

"When we're out, stay close to me," he started, "If not me, then Klaus or Bryn. Avoid speaking with Cormac directly," he paused, and seemed to think through his words before speaking them, "I believe Josie," he admitted, "I think Pershing is a good man, and I don't believe he meant any harm towards you, but that doesn't change the fact he frightened you. I know he'll want to talk to you, and apologize, and I welcome his apology, but not right now."

His eyes left mine to sweep over the area, "This mission is too important, and if his guilt gets in the way, then he could get himself or someone else killed. I'm fine with it if he wants to apologize to you, but he'll have to wait until we're home and safe," he looked back at me, his expression hard, "Even then, I don't want you alone with him. Maybe I'm being overprotective and selfish, but he shook you enough to attempt...," he paused, I winced, and he squeezed my arm in reassurance before continuing, "When we get home, and he tries to speak with you, I need to be there. For your state of mind, and mine. Even if he means well, which I'm sure he does... I need to be there for you."

In any other circumstance, if this was before my torture, I would just roll my eyes at Tobias with a huff. He did have a tendency to be a bit possessive and protective of me, and in the past I found it somewhat inconvenient, but at the current moment, I was grateful for it, grateful for the order not to be alone with Cormac, like Tobias was giving me permission to be afraid. Logically I knew I didn't really need permission, but hearing it in words somehow made me feel better about it.

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