Chapter 15: Haruhi's Funeral / Dark Turn in life

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( Narrator ) Previously on Bruises and Bitemarks: " Please take me home now i want mommy and daddy " Haruhi said. " oh but you can't little baby" Kino said waking in the dungeon. ... " HARUHI NOOOOO " reiji yelled.... " Haruhi no please don't die please no " Reiji started crying. " Haruhi please i love you my baby your mother what will she say what will your uncles say what will everyone say my darling baby" Reiji cried and cried and cried. ( Narrator ) on with the story. ^ Your POV ^ It has been two months since Haruhi has passed away. And everyone has been really depressed. I've been really depressed lately. " Hey honey... "

 Reiji said . " ... " I said nothing. " Let's get you dressed for the funeral." Reiji told me. " ... " again i said nothing. " Y/N please talk. I hate to see you like this. " reiji said. " I want my happy beautiful wife " Reiji said. Then it hit me. All the memories all the happy moments, everything hit me. Then i broke down in tears. Reiji came and hugged me. " Don't cry darling we need to be strong" Reiji told me. " Your right i do need to be strong." I said as i got up and changed into my dress. I walked out and went to the funeral home. ^ Shu's POV ^ Today is Haruhi's Funeral. Everyone is here even our moms rose from heaven/Hell ( Cordelia and Richter went to hell but everyone else didn't ) Yui was here to help her best friend.

 " I'm so sorry for your loss " Mother told Y/N and Reiji. " I miss my granddaughter she was so happy." Mother said. " Thanks mother we do need your support for Y/N. Ever since she went missing. She would just stare at a wall and not even talk. " Reiji told mother. " Reiji I am so sorry. For everything. I am sorry for hurting you. I am sorry for being lazy. I am sorry for doing everything i did wrong. I am sorry for Haruhi's death it is all my fault i should've been there for you I've should've been a older brother for you but instead i was selfish " I told Reiji as i began to cry. I am sorry i did everything i did to you i want to be a older brother to you i want to be there for you you are my brother and i love you

 " I told Reiji with tears running down my face. " Shu " Y/N said with tears running down her face. " I don't know what to say " Reiji said as tears running down his face. " I love you to you are my brother why would i hate you " Reiji said " I am going to Raito and the others " Y/N said. ^ Raito's POV ^ It was so sad to see my niece dead and my sister in law just broken. Y/N is a great woman she is amazing. I can't bear to see Reiji broken to. " hey " Y/N said. I hugged her and said " I am sorry for your loss and that i will be here for you and that if you need someone call me or my brothers when Reiji is at work " Y/N was touched. " Thank you " she said. " I will go to Kanato he is messed up." Y/N said. ^ Kanato's POV ^ My niece is dead. I can't help but cry. She was so sweet. She was everything. " Kanato " Y/N said. " Yes" I said wiping my tears. " I can't believe that Haruhi is dead." Y/N said hugging me. " I am so sorry Y/N " I said hugging her back. " She was a great kid. She was so sweet, She was so cute " 

I told Y/N then i started crying. " Kanato-Kun don't cry i need you to be strong " Y/N told me but she was crying so much that i can't bear to see her a crying mess. She is my sister in Law she is everything to me. " I will go the everyone else now goodbye " and at that she left. ^ Time skip to after the funeral ^ ^ Y/N POV ^ After the funeral i went to my room and was staring at the wall. " Honey can you stop staring at the wall. " Reiji came closer to me and kissed me. ^ Bonus Part Disaster in Shu's Room ^ Then we heard a crash. " What was that " i asked. " it was shu " Reiji said. " I will go see what happened " Reiji said leaving to shu's room. " AHHHHHH WTF IS THIS WTF EWWWWWWW " Reiji yelled running out of Shu's bedroom. He ran into my room and shut the door. " What happened " I asked. " I saw something i can't unsee " reiji said just looking traumatized. " Damn it must have been terrible " I said as I walked out of the room. Shu was there to. " Where is Reiji. " Shu said. " In the room " I said back. " Can i speak to him " Shu asked. " Sure i will get him for you." I said. I got Reiji and left. ^ After shu and Reiji talked ^ " So you mean that you like Yuma and when you were sleeping your bookshelf fell." Reiji asked. " Yes that is what happened." Shu told reiji " So you mean that you have a crush on Yuma and you need to tell him." Reiji said. And so you know i am eavesdropping I know it is bad but i want to know what is happening. ' I gotta go ' I thought to myself. Soon i left. 

" Hey honey what was with the ews and the yelling." I asked. " Shu's room was a mess and that crash was his bookshelf. " Reiji told me. " Ok thanks I will leave now." I said. ^ end of bonus part Shu's disaster of a room Now back to the story ^ ^ Reiji's POV ^ I have been depressed lately that i had to stop work for a while. " Reiji " Shu came up to me. " When are you going to stop being depressed. I can't see you like this you are my brother." shu said with a sad look. " I'm sorry shu i really am but i can't bear my daughter being dead and my illegitimate brother killed my daughter." i told shu with tears in my eyes. " Reiji don't cry " Shu told me. " I can't help it i miss her now I wish she was here " I told shu as i was crying on his shoulder. " Reiji " Shu quietly said. " You need to be strong you need to have faith in yourself " Shu said as i continued crying. I sniffed. " your right Shu but i miss her " I told shu. But I do need to get back to work. " Thanks shu " I told shu as i hugged him. ^ Time skip to late at night ^ ^ 3rd person POV ^ So it is late at night and Reiji can't sleep but Y/N is sleeping so peacefully. Reiji then notices a baby bump. " She's pregnant. " Reiji said surprised.

 " I can't believe it. " Reiji said to himself. " She's gone through so much stress and she has a baby on the way what do i do i must take her to the hospital." Reiji said. " Hey honey wake up now please wake up." Reiji said trying to wake you up. " Mm Yes " you said tired. " Honey did you know that you were pregnant" Reiji asked. " WHAT " You yelled waking everybody up. Shu and the others came running in your room. " What happened." Shu said painting. " I- I'm Pregnant." You told everyone. Raito fainted, Shu was so surprised, ayato cried, Subaru punched the wall, Kanato cried to, Reiji passed out with Raito. " It can't be " Kanato said bringing back memories of Haruhi. " Y/N what is the gender how many and how long " Ayato said. " I sadly don't know those answers " You told Ayato. " welp let Y/N go to sleep she can't have too much stress she is carrying a baby " Shu said leaving the room everyone followed. " I am still shocked that she is having a baby " Reiji said quietly . " Though she is beautiful when she sleeps" Reiji said falling asleep. " Good night my dear " Reiji told Y/N falling back asleep.

End of chapter 14

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