Chapter 10: Our Anniversary

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( Narrator ) Welcome back. Today is your two year anniversary for you and reiji. (3rd person Pov) Reiji is going to get reservations for a ultra fancy restaurant. " reiji i am ready " Y/N said as she walked out with a beautiful outfit. She wore a beautiful blue long flowing gown and her hair is up/down and it is very beautiful. " Are you ready?" you asked as you held Reiji's hand. You and reiji went to a beautiful restaurant called portabella it was beautiful. 

" Reji it is very beautiful. " you said as you sat down. " I know i wanted to take you there because i wanted to celebrate our 2 year anniversary together." Reji said as he ordered your food and his. You two ate and talked and thought about all your memories together. " Remember when ayato tried to turn you into a baby" you said giggling.

 " oh yes i remember very much" Reiji said as he laughed. " When i was little Ayato was playing basketball and i was reading. He threw the ball at me. And i was so pissed that i slapped him in in the face. It was so funny he was crying so much and he challenged me to a game of basketball in order to not tell on me. I won of course" reiji said as he laughed.

 " When i was little my little sister jen was so annoying and so i scared her and I got in trouble by my mom " you said as you laughed to. " are you ready honey " reiji asked as he stood up. " yes dear'' you said as you stood up too.

 You and reiji drove home and you found a disaster in you home. " oh. my . god " you said as you looked at the house in shock. " WHAT HAPPENED HERE " reiji yelled as he walked in the house

To be continued... End of chapter 10   

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