Bonus: Shu , Raito, and Yuma babysitting Haruhi

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" Hey Haruhi ready for uncle Raito , Yuma and Shu " you asked her. " Yes mommy " Haruhi said excited. " ok let's go " you said putting Haruhi's earphones in her ear and put in Mr.Butterfly Mask Reiji's character song he made when he was a teenager. " Mommy how old was daddy when he made this song " Haruhi asked. " He was 18 " you said.

" Can you teach me the lyrics " Haruhi asked. " you have to ask your father " you said.

^ At the sakamaki house ^
" there here " Raito said cheerfully. " Alright Raito just calm down " Shu said walking to the door. " HI UNCLE SHUU. Where is uncle Yuma. HI UNCLE RAITO " Haruhi said cheerfully. " Uncle Yuma is in the sitting room " Shu told Haruhi. " Alright" Then the Purple haired baby ran to yuma. "  UNCLE YUMA " Haruhi ran to Yuma " woah hey there Haru-chan " Yuma said picking up Haruhi and putting her on his shoulders. " Looks like Haru-Chan is excited to be here. " Yuma said giving shu a kiss. " So have you told them " Yuma said. " tell who what " Haruhi said still on shu's shoulders. " Nothing Baby girl " Yuma said. Giving shu another kiss.

" One more kiss " Shu said. " Fine " Yuma said giving shu one more kiss. " Uncle Yuma is can you please put me down I want uncle Shu " Haruhi said as Yuma put her down. " Are you ready for fun " Raito said as he was walking in the living room in swimming trunks. " Raito why are you in your swim shorts " Yuma asked. " Well we are going to the pool " Raito said happily. " Yay the pool" Haruhi was excited.

" Fine we could go to the pool but only for a little bit " Shu said. " ok uncle shu " Haruhi said. " uncle Yuma can you pick me up " Haruhi asked the tall Mukami. " Ok " he said. As Yuma picked Haruhi up he put her on his shoulders. " Uncle shu " Haruhi called the blonde sakamaki. " Yes Haru-Chan " Shu said. " Can you teach me how to swim " Haruhi asked. " Yes " Shu said. ^ At the pool  ^ Haruhi yuma Raito ans shu are swiming like a boss and of course Raito is hitting on girls. Yuma and Shu are hanging out with Haruhi. " Uncle Yuma put me on your shoulders "

" Ok " The brown haired mukami said. " Wee " The H/C baby said. It was a good day at the pool for them ^ after the pool ^ everyone was exhausted and in the manor and they desired to take a nap. Haruhi is the one who had to wake up because she wanted her music so she went to her baby bag and took her iPod. Then crawled onto Yuma. She then played " A Certain Profits Fate " By Reiji sakamaki.

Yes her fathers character song and fell asleep again. ^ After the nap ^ Yuma woke up to Haruhi listening to his character song on her iPod. " Hey Haru-Chan " The mukami said waking her up. " Yes " She said. " Your mom is here she just called me a minuet ago. " ok lets go " the baby sakamaki said. " good bye Haruhi " everyone said while you are putting the baby in her car seat. " Momma I had fun " Haruhi said still sleepy. " good now take a nap your tired " you said leaving the manor.

End of bonus.
Hope y'all like it I had fun making it thx y'all and ttyl

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