Chapter Twelve - The Rift Pt. 1

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Yu Dao...

"Zuko was such a big part of making this happen. Too bad he couldn't join us today," Aang said as they all stood between the big crowds of the Colonies.

It was one of the many festivities when they had finally voted for the new Yu Dao Government.

"Ursa and her family are-" Iris tried to say but Sokka cut her.

"You mean 'Your mother-in-law and her family'," Sokka said raising a finger.

"For the hundredth time, Zuko and I are not gonna marry!" Iris snarled angrily "We can't, you know that!" She said pointing at Sokka.

"Just say it! PleasePleasePleasePlease!" Sokka said acting like a five-year-old.

Iris sighed rolling her eyes while Sokka and Toph snickered "My mother-in-law and her family are visiting the Capital City for the first time since her exile. Zuko should be there to support them," Iris said.

"How did your tenure as interim Fire Lord go, Iroh?" Katara asked.

"I had much fun –and more tea than I expected. But I only missed my teashop all the more," Iroh answered smiling.

"You'll be going home soon, I hope?" Iris asked.

"Oh yes, attending this is my last bit of official business. Afterwards is Ba Sing Se for me," Iroh said and they looked up at one of the balconies of the building, Kori stood on.

"Citizens of Yu Dao, the election results are in! Please welcome your city's new Coalition Government!"


"Ah, my favorite part of any celebration... the banquet!" Sokka said as they walked towards the tables where the guests would sit.

Iris rolled her eyes again... Of course...

"Okay, I'll be right back," Aang said and he started jumping from head to head and out of the room.

"Aang?" Iris asked as she watched her brother jumping away for some reason. Then she leaned over at Sokka asking "Where did Aang go?"

"I think he's detecting something with his awesome Avatar powers, I dunno," Toph said picking her nose.

Iris just shrugged it off and she followed her friends back on their table. Food was already served. The room was huge with long squared tables and people gathered around, eating and talking. Iris was sitting beside Sokka and beside Elin (ex-president of the Defender Fan Club). Some of the Air Acolytes and Iris were eating rice while Sokka was unintentionally stuffing food in his mouth.

"Oh man, Yu Dao's gotta make brand new governments more often, my mouth is so happy right now," Sokka said pleasingly.

"Glad to see you're enjoying yourself," Iris said raising an eyebrow and turned back at Katara as she spoke.

"How are things going at the Academy, Toph?" She asked.

"Good I guess," Toph answered indifferently. "I got so many Lily-Livers –er- students, these days, I had to make a bunch of tents outside the school to house them all. I wanna expand the building but we don't have the money."

"Why don't you charge tuition?" Iris asked.

"The Beifong Metal Bending Academy isn't that kind of school. We're doing something new, something important. I mean I didn't charge Aang or you tuition, I'm not gonna start now," Toph answered.

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