Chapter Seven - The Promise Pt. 7

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Iris ran towards Suki and Toph using metal bending or earth bending to block some soldiers from attacking each other. She saw another fire blast running towards Suki from behind and Iris got right in front of her, blocking the fire with her fire bending. She shot a strong fire blast at the soldier, knocking him off.

"You all right?" Suki asked at Toph who was standing behind her.

Toph bowed resting her hands on her knees, breathlessly answering "Give me a second to catch my breath,"

"I don't think we have a second!" Suki said getting in her fighting stance as she saw another series of Fire Benders running towards them.

Iris stood in front of them "I got this,"

The soldiers shoot strong fire blasts towards her. Iris collected all the fire blasts in a big fire ball and then she sent them towards the soldiers again knocking them all off. The soldiers from the other side, were knocked off by their helmets twisting on their heads. As they all fell down, Suki, Toph and Iris saw Toph's three students.

"Lily-Livers?! What are you doing here?!" Toph asked confusedly and surprisingly.

While the other two knocked off some more soldiers, the Dark One knelt down saying dramatically "Though cast away am I from the hearth of my city, black tears dribble from mine eyes at the sight of the fearful trail blazing towards her gates!"

Iris and Suki looked at him confusedly and blankly, not really being able to understand a lot of what he said.

"What the Dark One is trying to say is that Yu Dao is our home we want to help you keep the doom out!" Ho Tun said.

"What are you, the translator?" Iris asked raising an eyebrow.

"When needed, yes," Ho Tun answered getting in his stance and knocking some other fire benders.

"I wanted to show you my Spinny-Helmet-Trick up close!" Penga said excitedly.

"I gotta say, Penga, it's way more impressive up close!" Toph said smiling widely.

Fire Nation soldiers started surrounding them and they all got in their stances "Look alive, Lily-Livers! Time to spin some more helmets!" Toph said...

While Ho Tun and Penga were only spinning helmets, the Dark One was improvising. Iris was impressed to see a novice in metal bender fighting just as good as her.

Iris and the Dark One got split from the others, fighting deep within the Fire Nation Army.

Iris used her fire bending to stop many fire blasts from touching them both. She used her air bending, sending a strong air blast at five Fire Nation soldiers knocking them off. When she noticed some other Fire Nation soldiers attacking from behind, she immediately turned around to fight them off, but she stopped when she saw the Dark One bending their armors so tight so they couldn't move.

Iris gave the Dark One a small smile "You're pretty good!" she said and then she kicked a boulder that came flying towards her.

"I don't know how to express the words while my heart joyfully desires to congratulate you about your beautifully impressive capabilities in the art we both share," The Dark one said dramatically.

Iris rolled her eyes "Okay, Dark One, leave the poetry, we have a job to do," Iris said and then her attention was drown away from a shout...

"General How, withdraw your troops immediately," Zuko shouted angrily shooting a bunch of fire blasts on the Earth Kingdom General.

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