Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 Sophia & Torment

Sophia’s POV

My blinding wings gently unfolded and tore through my shirt. They stretched, and I smiled, anticipating the fall I would take. I folded my wings safely behind my back, and ran at the edge of the mountain, diving off the edge.

A human would die from this fall.

An angel would shout with delight. My wings unfolded at the last second and pulled me up and I now flew through the night, twisting and turning in the clouds. I dove down once more through them and began to plummet to the water, my wings again pulling out swiftly, and my fingertips skimmed the water, and I giggled like a young child. I felt free.

My wings lifted me to a standing position above the water, and I pretended to dance on the water, my wings keeping me in a floating trance.

I spun, and water splashed around me from the large lake. I laughed loudly, and then squealed as I looked up to see Daniel smirking, flying straight at me.

This was my last night of freedom, the way I looked at it. Tomorrow would be crazy!

And my heart almost dropped at the thought of Torment wanting to steal my soul.

I suppose since I didn’t know the whole story, I couldn’t really think too much about it.

It was probably all some sick joke, right? Or at least I could hope.

My wings whipped me back up into the clouds, and I danced around, and dove around like crazy. I grabbed a hold of some cloud and shoved it in my mouth.

My favourite thing about being an angel and eating clouds, was they tasted like cotton candy!



I sat in class twiddling my thumbs. I was scared, Daniel was on guard nearby, and I had put my angel shield up, but I still didn’t feel safe. I had no idea when Torment would try to take my soul, and I kept hearing her laughter ringing in my ears, and every time I shut my eyes the smiling shadows came back. Even when I blinked.

I was nervous in class, so when the teacher asked me what the answer to the math equation was, normally any angel would have known it instantly, even without paying attention, but I was so nervous I didn’t even hear her right away. My brain took a moment too long to comprehend what was going on.

“Detention for not paying attention.” She snaps, calling on someone else.

Well, at least that meant if Torment was going to come after me when I was leaving school, it wold be delayed, right?

I felt eyes staring at me and knew instantly that it would be Tyler.

I turned around, and yup, it was Tyler alright! I rolled my eyes, and looked back at the front o the room, trying to concentrate. But I couldn’t at all! Why was it so hard to just forget about the whole matter?

Hmmm? Maybe because I could potentially somehow die, or maybe she would take over me and make me do evil, cruel things I would never do. Not just because of my oath of an angel, but because evil things terrified me! I would have those horrible images carved into my brain and soul forever!

That was something I did not want whatsoever.

I really wished I knew the truth about everything. Torment…..

I wish there was someone to save my soul.


Torment’s POV

Her soul was driving me crazy! I couldn’t wait to catch her alone. When that stupid Daniel boy left the school and she was found alone, with no one to protect her. A mere human wouldn’t stop me at that point.

I would talk to her, and if talking wouldn’t give me her angelic soul, then I would force it from her, stopping her heart, and giving me the full power.

Some would say I was sick, some thought I was generous, that I didn’t want her to get hurt, and others would say I am selfish…

If you asked me, I’d agree with selfish. I wanted the full power. I didn’t care anymore, I was sick of her pulling us down. It would be better for both our halves to be whole again. Father hadn’t told me what would happen once we succeeded in that exactly yet, but we would have a better chance to defeat Heaven. Hell would reign over, and everything would be perfect.

I just wouldn’t be able to watch every human soul die. It’s not like Sophia’s soul would die, I wouldn’t let that happen to her, especially because we shared a soul. Half a heart, in two different bodies.

Was it even naturally possible?

Sometimes, I honestly doubted my father. Maybe it would be better for Sophia to have my half of the soul, the full control, then for me… but with neither of us combined, heaven and hell were still equal.


Sophia’s POV

I wanted to see Tyler. I wanted to kiss him one last time, spend a little tme with him before I was possibly gone forever. I prayed to God I could see him one last time, but lately it seemed he wasn’t paying any attention to me, their supposed only hope, and I was started to get angry with him. Maybe I would join Torment freely.

Wait. No. What was I thinking? What would happen to Daniel and Tyler? That’d be so selfish of me. I couldn’t do such a thing.

I decided in that moment, that it was time to tell Tyler.


Even though it had only been a matter of hours, my wings were starting to cramp up and the wanted to be free again. I shoved Tyler into the side of the car, and sped out of the parking lot towards the mountains. “Where are we going?” He asks, adjusting into my car.

“Not where, but what you will see.” I smirk to myself, as we near the mountains quickly. I park the car and climb out, grabbing him as he climbs out and running through a field towards the mountain and I began climbing up while clinging tightly to him. I was so excited, and buzzing with joy and nervousness. It was time he knew the truth.

“Whatever happens, you must stand here.” I drew an X in the dirt. “And no matter what, you are not to move unless I tell you too.” And as he nodded, I smiled, before running backwards and diving off the cliff.

I fell towards the water, and everything turned slow motion.

“SOPHIA!” Tyler’s voice screamed. I smiled up at him as I fell, and time sped up again so I spun around and let my wings break out, tearing from my back viciously as I landed, toes in the water, and I sped up quickly into the sky, flying, heart soaring !

I landed beside him up on the cliff. His eyes were wide. Then I realized he wasn’t looking at me.

I turned around to see Torment, smiling, her eyes blood red, fangs sharp, nails and wings out viciously.


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