Chapter 13: life on the road

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It's currently 2am.
I still feel terrible about what happened earlier. But I decided that Mary is going to go with me to...wherever the road takes us. I guess...
I looked at her. Sleeping. Sleeping peacefully on my arm. She...surprisingly looks cute.

Mary: *shivers*

Jonathan: ok?

Mary: s-so...C-c-cold...

I saw that we were close to a parking in a closed super market. I parked under a light post to illuminate us until we fell asleep.

Mary: h-hey...

Jonathan: yea?

Mary began to sleep talk. or she was talking with her eyes closed? Either way she was still talking.

Mary: d-don't tell J-Jona...

Jonathan: don't tell him what?

Mary: t-that I'm c-c-cold...a-and...

Jonathan: and?

Mary: shh-shh-shhh...hahaha...I d-don't want h-him to w-wo-worry...

Jonathan: Mary...

I took of my jacket and tried to put it on her as softly as possible. Thankfully she didn't wake up. I then saw that the car she choose had some backseats that were actually pretty spacious.
I pulled back my seat fully, to make it as flat as possible, and did the same to Mary's seat. I saw that the seats together made somewhat of a mattress. I stepped outside and went near Mary's door. I opened it and carried her to the backseat. She 
Miraculously didn't wake up. I then went inside the car and laid next to her. Once I new we were safe, with the doors locked and a few clothes covering the windows, I began to fall asleep.
Oh shit. I feel something.
What the hell is that?
I feel something move. I then felt something holding me. It was behind me. I looked behind me only to see Mary hugging me while still wearing my jacket. I then went back to my original position and went back to sleep.
I thought I'd be cold...but. Mary kept me felt nice.


Ugh...I feel like hell. I couldn't see straight either. It must have been because of the contact lenses that I had on or the fact that I ran out of medicine/drugs. Once I could see a bit I sat up from where I was sitting. I' a car? I don't...remember anything from last night.
I looked next to me to see a man. I can't quite make out his face since he's covering it with his hand. The car windows were covered in clothes.
Did...did I sleep with him?
Was this a one night stand?!?
Am I supposed to leave!?!?
I opened the car door and stepped out of the car. I was in a parking lot. Huh...


I woke up in the car. It looks like some shirts fell and the sunlight was shining through the windows. I sat up and tried waking myself up a bit.

Jonathan: *yawns* hey Mary, you up?


Huh. No response.

Jonathan: wanna get some breakfast or something?

Still no response.

Jonathan: hey...I know you can hear me...are you still mad cause of what happened yesterday?

Ok, why isn't she responding!?

Jonathan: Mary?

I looked behind me, where Mary was sleeping, and saw that nobody was there.

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