22- Everyone has these ideas in their head

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Beth yawned as she stroked Maggie's hair behind her ear. She still didn't know what Maggie planned on doing in the bathroom not so long ago. When night had fallen, Maggie came out of the bathroom looking flustered with a sketchy make shift bandage wrapped around the palm of her hand. Beth had already sat up, slowly and painfully tried to manoeuvre her bad leg off the bed. Her great plan to save Maggie from self-destruction was to hop over to the door and bang on it. Great right? But instead halfway through her genius idea, everything went quiet in the bathroom. Beth froze in a panic. Her shoulders slumped when Maggie dragged her feet out the bathroom. She mumbled an apology and sank down on the bed next to Beth. Beth shuffled into a more comfortable position, allowing Maggie to rest her head on Beth's chest.

She sniffed every now and then. Beth wondered what exactly was going on with Maggie. She was definitely having a breakdown. Beth wasn't sure if it was about Glenn's death or moving back to the farm where they had last been together as a family. Maybe it was both. It wasn't like Beth wanted to frantically shake Maggie awake and demand she tell her what is going on. Beth just wanted things to go back as normal as possible. She was even growing more neutral to Daryl. Or was she? There were a lot of things Beth was uncertain about recently. Things such as what was going on with Maggie. Things such as the uncertainty of having Ted around. Things such as why no one dared mention Hershell's name around here. And more so things such as what exactly happened between her and Daryl. They were just tiptoeing around each other. No one mentioned his name in front of her, and Beth was sure the same applied with Daryl. Was it really that obvious to the group that something had indeed happened between them? Beth wanted to forget about him and move on, which is just what he was doing, she really did. But she couldn't.

And it was sure as hell bothering her.

"Beth?" Maggie said in a tiny voice.


"I'm sorry, Beth."

"For what?" Beth replied, playing dumb, in hopes that Maggie would open up. The sisters were long overdue to talk.

"This..." she trailed off. "I'm just lost and I really don't know what to do."

"But I'm here for you!" Beth cried.

"Are you? Are you really or are you just too focused on Daryl and that girl?" Maggie deadpanned.

Beth frowned deeply and her lips twitched.

"You never once asked about how I'm doing without Glenn. Not once." Maggie ended up sounding bored.

"Do you really want my pity?" Beth had said it in a meaner tone than she'd meant.

"Do you really want mine?" Maggie shot back.

Beth looked away, biting her lip. Had she and Maggie really drifted this far away?

"Well then sure! My deepest sympathies Beth. Who could have known that you would have fallen for the tough guy and get your heart broken." Maggie's voice was thick with sarcasm and ice.

Beth couldn't have been more hurt at the moment. "Please stop,"

Maggie stopped, but not on account of Beth's request. She stood up and exited the room, taking her air of negativity with her. She slammed the door as hard as she could, and as soon as she did she burst into tears. With one hand covering her mouth in an attempt to stifle her cries, she sprinted from the hallway to the front door. She ran and ran underneath the stars. She didn't even know where she was going. To the trees? To the burnt down barn? Eventually she stopped in somewhere in one of the fields. It was breathtakingly quiet and a tiny bit lonely. The breeze was soft and tickled her cheeks. Her long hair was messy from her wild run. Maggie breathed in the fresh night air. Her episode in the bathroom and with Beth began to slip her mind.

Hope Lost: A Daryl Dixon Story (The Walking Dead/ Bethyl )Where stories live. Discover now