From Nerd to Hottie (12)

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The party was in full swing as the four of us arrived. Music was blaring and there were cars all up the street. Stacie was the most pumped about going out of all of us.

"How did you get invited again, Stacie?" Nolen asked as we got out of the car and started walking. 

"I don't remember." She replied quickly. "But we're here now so that doesn't matter."

I glanced at Justin and laughed. He laced his fingers with mine as we walked together.

"Yeah, totally." Stacie said to Nolen.

I didn't hear what Nolen said to her so I asked him to say it again.

"I asked her if she was drinking tonight." He said.

"Oh." I muttered.

Justin bumped my arm. "You OK?"

"Yeah, I'm just not drinking tonight. I'll be the one driving us all home and I'd rather be safe than sorry."

"Have a little fun, Paige!" Stacie yelled to me.

I rolled my eyes. "No thanks, I don't really feel like dying tonight."

"Plenty of people drink and drive and end up fine." Stacie shot at me with a sense of annoyance in her voice.

"Plenty of people drink and drive and die or kill people too." Justin said. It made me happy that he was on my side.

Stacie ignored us and continued walking and whispering with Nolen.

As we entered, the smell of sweat, alcohol, and food immediately filled my nostrils. People were dancing to the loudest music on the planet, talking- or should I say screaming because the music was so loud- to one another, and passing out drinks. I spotted several people making out on the couch too.

Before I knew it, Nolen and Stacie had dissappeared. It didn't bother me though because I had Justin right by my side...

Wait, where did he go?

I found myself lost amongst a large group of people. Red cups filled with beer were flying around in people's hands, boys- and some girls- tried grinding on me, and cigarette smoke choked my lungs.

What kind of party is this? I thought. I took a seat on a table next to some girls I sort of knew, hoping Justin might show up and save me from them soon.

But he didn't.

He didn't show up for a whole hour. And he had been drinking.

"What happened to you?" I asked, referring to his shirt that was wet and smelled like beer.

"Nothing." His eyes rolled back a little bit as he talked. "The guys gave me something to drink and we started messging around. It's no big deal."

I looked at him for a moment. "Have you seen Nolen and Stacie around?"

"Nolen..." Justin paused. "He's, uh, with the guys... drinking... And I saw, um, Stacie with... a guy... It wasn't Nolen, though!"

"What?" I snapped. This could be getting bad.

I got up and started looking around for Stacie. While I searched for her, Justin went outside with the guys again and drank some more beers. I was angry.

Eventually, I found Stacie. She was in a closet with a some random guy who I didn't even think I've seen before.

"Stacie!" I yelled and kicked her feet. "What are you doing?"

Stacie waved to me from the floor. "Hey, Paige, whatcha doin'?"

I had my hands on my hips. "Get out of the closet!"

"No!" Stacie shook her head. 

I gasped. "And put a shirt on! What have you been doing?"

"I've been doing Mark, if you know what I mean." Stacie and the guy who I assume was Mark laughed. "Wanna join us? We could have a threesome!"

"No, I don't want to join you and have a threesome!" I freaked out. "That's disgusting!"

Stacie giggled but said nothing.

"So are you saying that you two..." I trailed off.

"Had sex?" The guy, Mark, filled in.

Stacie smiled proudly. "Yes we did!" She giggled and kissed Mark.

Mark's hands were all over her. I was disgusted so I said a quick "I have to go, bye" and slammed the door. Boy was that awkward!

I went outside for some air when I decided it would be a good idea to just go home. Nolen and Justin were drinking and having fun without Stacie and I. Stacie was having sex with some random guy named Mark in a closet. It would be best if I left. I wasn't having fun anyways.

I went back inside the house, said goodbye to the girls I hung out with when I first got there and started to leave when...


There was a gun shot.

A few people screamed and everyone was on their phone- some were calling 911 and some were taking videos of the fight.

More people in the fight started yelling and...



Two more gun shots went off. People fled from the house. 

I turned around and ran to the back door. Thank god I found Justin and Nolen. I grabbed their hands and started running. They both tripped a few times and screamed at me but I finally got them to my car.

"Whoa... Paige, what's going on?" Nolen asked as I pushed him into the passenger's seat.

"Somebody got shot." I said in a panicking tone. "Get in the car!"

Justin tumbled into the backseat with help from me and started laughing for no reason.

I rushed to the driver's seat and started driving.

Where do I go? I asked myself. I just starting driving. I had no clue where I was going but I was going somewhere.

"Stacie!" I exclaimed, remembering that I had left her there. "Oh well. It's too late."

"What?" Justin asked. He started playing with my hair.

I smacked his hands and I tried to still drive. "Stop that!"

Nolen played with the radio dials and turned on the stereo to full blast.

I turned off the radio and yelled at him, "Keep your hands to yourself!"

He ignored me. "Paige!" He yelled in a giddy tone. "Can I try driving?"

"Certainly not!" I said, swatting his hands away from the wheel.

"Paige!" He pouted. "Please?"

Justin spoke up from the back. "Please?"

"No!" I yelled. "Stop!"

We were passing through a very busy intersecting and before I knew it, Nolen grabbed the wheel and jerked it to the left making us spin into traffic going the opposite direction as us. 

I screamed and suddenly, everything went black.

From Nerd to HottieWhere stories live. Discover now