Chapter twelve~Perfect

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**Angels POV **

I looked at myself in the mirror. I had on my prom dress, which was a many blue with a black ribbon tied at the stomach.

My hair was back to It's natural color, blonde. I didn't think red would fit the dress very well, so I stripped the dye out of my hair.

My hair (which went down near the bottom of my back) was curled with a small braid on the side with less hair that Went through the back of my head.

I smiled at myself, fixing my mascara. My stomach was churning with what I was going to do tonight.

I wanted to throw up, although I've not ate much.

Tonight. Was prom. Where there would be several couples slow dancing. I wanted to cry at the thought. I blinked away the tears.

I had on a charm bracelet which had music notes on it. My necklace was 3 simple diamonds. one was small,.the second one bigger, and the third one was larger than them both.

I walked out of my room. Having on flats, going down stairs was fairly easy.

"stop." My mom had a camera in her hand. I did so, and stopped near the bottom of the stairs.

I smiled, one hand on the rail, the other by my side. She took the picture smiling.

"You look beautiful." She kissed my forehead.

I smiled. "thank you.."

She handed me my mask, which was black with purple glitter fading on it.

And out I Went with her behind me. I snapped on the mask and got in the car.

My stomach was churning for one of the most scariest things I've ever done in my life.

Sing for someone infront of several people.

**Lana's POV**

I was thinking this: I am definitely not going to Prom. My mom would understand and so would Janie except one problem.

1. My mom didn't understand

She urged me to go saying I already bought a dress and I'd have a good time. I'd love to beg her otherwise. This stupid humiliating tight clothing wrapped around my body was not my style.

It was a blue, the color of blue gems and sparkled just like them. My hair went together with a swirl of blue and red, which didn't seem right because Angel had blue hair!

This was unnerving because I had to move on. I knew Angel still liked me, but the way she rejected the girls as if I was no one too important, it hurt me. It was like denying my existence.

My hair went down to my waist, while it was curled because my mom insisted. It had glitter in it, more on top, which was the girliest I've gone since kindergarten. My mask was blue on top and red at the bottom, it was sparkly and vibrant it had a solid color and was exquisite.

"You'll love it, while you do look lovely." She said sweetly. Insisting on about the prom.

I rolled my eyes.

"Aren't mothers supposed to tell you that?" I asked, but gave her a smile and a hug. "They are, but I mean it. Look at Janie over there, she would agree." Janie nodded and winked.

"While you do look dazzling, we should he going before the chauffeur gets mad." She giggled. Letting off her cute side other than the caring dependant one.

We got in the car, which wasn't too fancy as a limo. It was a normal car but

it was very glamorous on the outside. It was a try too hard kind of thing, but it still worked together.

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