chapter nine ~ Starburst

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I woke up with a smile on my face. There was two more weeks until prom, and I knew exactly who I was going to take. I was going to officially ask Lana to be my date to prom.

But How?

Then. I got an idea. I got up. Today was Saturday. So Lana would be sleeping in all day so I had the time to do this.

I brushed my hair, sticking on some skinny jeans and a My Chemical Romance band tee. Grabbing my phone off of my nightstand walking out my door. My shoes were at the from door to get inside my house. So I slid them on grabbing my wallet from the counter.

Not knowing when Lana would wake up, I had to quickly get to the store. I didn't have a car. Only Lana did.

I shrugged it off, the store was only a block away. I went into the shed grabbing my bike. and off I went to go to the store.

I came back from the store with a bag full of starburst.

And I stopped the bike at my house. It was only 10 a.m so Lana wouldn't be up right now. I walked over to her house, calling her mom letting her know not to be alarmed when I walked in. which I did.

Making my way to Lana's door, I took out starburst. I made a trail from her door to the front door. As I finished I went outside closing the door. I sat on the front porch. With a bunch of starburst, I spelled out PROM?

Under it I put a note asking her to go to prom with me, signed by Angel (me.)

I liked how this looked, as I put several Starburst on top of the note.

So, I beat on her window hard enough to wake her up. I hid at a bush to see her reaction when she seen it.

my stomach was churning. what if she did say No..

I Shrugged that thought off, waiting.

**Lana's POV**

Breathless. This was unbelievable, like, it could be some prank. Something told me it wasn't a prank and that she didn't just mean it as a friend. It could be though.

The note told me to text her but I was way nervous. I gritted my teeth, my heart was going at full speed.

I texted her. Our conversation went like this:

Me: Yes

Her: Really?

Me: Yes.

Did you mean as a friend because if you did I might have took it the wrong way.

Her: I didn't

Me: Yes, really.

My heart was flooding. What she did was sweet, unexpected, my heart was about to burst. It was like a unicorn throwing up rainbows, ew.

I didn't know what to say, or what to dress up in. I didn't even know if she was asking me out. I couldn't believe it. This was all I wanted. I guess I would be wearing a dress again.

She was early. I didn't know how I was going to face her if I saw her.

Then she showed up from the bushes. My eyes widened in surprised. My face went pure red, and she pulled me to her in a hug. This wasn't a normal hug, it wasn't some friendly hug that other girl friends do. It was one that.. well not even family. It was real hug, not one we've had.

The setting was beautiful. It was imperfect but everything made it so perfect. The precisely moving trees dancing with the sound of our heartbeats and every breath.

It was a late sunrise, it was greater than a sunset. A sunset was romantic but the sunrise was as beautiful too, it was a nostalgic smell of fresh cut grass and the smell of water from the grass, the morning dew. It was beyond beautiful, it was amazing. The perfect moment with her.

My thoughts were,

If time stopped like this, I wouldn't mind a bit.

I could feel her warmth on me. Slightly catching the sweet scent of hers on me, they smelled like girly roses and vanilla beans. The scent was irresistible, I could feel my heart totally explode and become a bunch of butterflies.

"I was so nervous." I heard her whisper, I smiled with the hot blush on my face. I was grateful she was hugging me because she shouldn't see how red my face was and how I resembled a tomato.

I didn't know if she liked me, but this hug sure felt like she did.

"I..." I stuttered. My heart was stiffening, as if I would've been scared to death. "I..." I tried again trying to regain my voice.

I felt a slightly warm but more cold breeze flow. Her hair beautifully seemingly flowing and flying in the wind like a bird. Graceful and gorgeous, perfect.

"I like.." I stopped myself. " I have always..." I paused, getting light headed. "Always." I repeated. "Liked you..." I finished, she was still holding me in her arms.

I could feel the presence of her lips curving into a smile. "Me too." She replied, "I like you too." She said sweetly and confidently. "Always." She repeated what I said.

My heart was about done for, this was too much scary excitement. Finally she let go of me, she tried to hold her hair down but it escaped through her fingers. Her face was lightened, she was happier than she always looked.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked, I was probably glancing at her as if I was studying. I blushed, looking down at the ground. "I was just thinking... 'she couldn't look more beautiful. ' "

Then realized what I said.

"I mean, you're really beautiful! I mean I always thought you were beautiful and right now you just look... breathtaking."

I saw her blush too when I looked back up. "I knew what you meant before." She told me shyly, I've never seen her look this shy.

It was adorable.

I found myself smiling without thinking. This was the 'it' people always talked about. This was so scary but I didn't want to just run away, so much pain in my heart, it hurt so good. It sounded so weird but it was... great.

Something so 'wrong' and so fun felt too right. It didn't have to be right or acceptable because it felt so right but I accepted it.

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