Chapter one ~ The Tree

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**Angels POV**

"You know you do!" She half said and laughed. Swinging on the creaky park swings on a late summer afternoon, her red hair glowing in the sunset light. Having ice cream from a store downtown they were slowly melting with the heat still lingering around us.

"What's your proof!" I yelled laughing, kicking up a little higher. Arguing over who i like wasn't very easy, because i don't even like anyone! But i will let her think that just for the heck of it.

"You always smile around him... and and.. you laugh all the time! And you blush when he get's close to you."

About dropping my ice cream laughing i stop the swing.

"You wish.. " I replied, smiling lightly.

"You know I don't even like anyone Lana!" Lana was my best friend, we met at a summer camp 6 years ago and we've been best friends since. There was no separating us, we were together for group projects, singing, acts, plays, sports, etc. We always hung around each other.

I looked at Lana, she had super bright red hair which she dyes all the time when it fades. She also had quite a few piercings which I honestly think their completely adorable because she can just pull them off. She had a lip ring(She's in the process of getting the other side of her bottom lip pierced.) and also a nose ring. She had an industrial bar and earrings lining down the outside of her ear. To top off the whole ear piercings she had gauges, not too big. But just enough to where their cute. Lana's skin was like porcelain, and her lips were never chapped and always as pink as a rose. She always had on a smile and made everyone's day. Despite her having a quote tattooed on her arm, she was just a normal teenage girl. Well ones that i'm friends with.

"Why do you always try to pick out who i like?" I questioned trying to put on a serious face, only to make us both laugh.

"I don't know! You never date people! Have you even kissed someone? Well you would have told me... " She started thinking out loud as i put ice cream on her nose. In her attempt to lick it off, she had her eyes crossed. Quickly grabbing my phone, i open the camera taking a picture of her doing that. She kinda looked like a punk version of Ariel from The Little Mermaid, but better.

"Delete it!" She was still laughing as i stood.


I ran through the soft green grass barefoot, my boots at the swings, as i ran through the grass. Lana wasn't far away, as i grab a branch from a tree that i could jump and reach, swinging my self up hanging there. Lana was a little taller than me, so this was not such a great get away plan. Trying to keep my ice cream from dropping, i manage to pull myself up the tree a little getting higher.

"Angel! Get your butt back down here!" She called out.

I started laughing, licking my ice cream.

"Come on, we used to climb trees as little kids. Remember?" She stopped for a moment trying to remember, before she smiled grabbing the bottom branch like she suddenly remembered how to climb a tree. Eventually she got to where I was, before she slapped her palm to her forehead.

"Because we used to use that freaking slide! Why didn't you remind me about that!" She pointed to behind the tree, and I bust into laughter again.

"Just because i wanted to see you struggle to get up here." She grunted, leaning against the tree trunk.

"I'm so glad we met. Aren't you?"

"Well duh!" I smiled, as both of us stared at the sun going down.

"Imagine, if we got to live in an alternate universe, where we never met. Imagine all of the things we'd never do. What would our lives be like?" That made me think. And I smiled lightly.

"Are you sure there's even a universe that could separate us?" She smiled lightly, staring at the sunset.

Friendiaphobia- Fear of not having or losing a best friend.

**Lana's POV**

"I think I have Friendiaphobia." Angel said casually, laying in the grass. I was applying chap stick. I looked at her and smiled. "Then you won't have to worry about me!" I reassured her, excitedly. My grin was so big, my cheeks hurt. She smiled shyly, looking at the ground. "I know." I shrugged, innocently.

I looked back at her, "I'm still convinced." I told her seriously. "Convinced about?" She asked clueless. "That you like someone, duh!" I told her, grinning a little so she knew I was teasing. She sighed, "whatever!" She told me jokingly, flipping her hair all girly to express how she never does that. I smirked, "well you didn't deny it." I told her, looking straight for the sun.

"That's bad for you." She told me all matter-of-factly. I smirked without her seeing, "well I do a lot of bad things. I'm not an angel like some people." I teased. She went quiet, pouting. Then she tickled me, and I couldn't resist bursting into laughter. "Never mind, you're evil!" I shouted. She grinned " I dont know, even angels can't be perfect." I frowned. "Hmph." I scoffed, then we busted into a fit of laughter for absolutely no reason.

After awhile we just laid there.

"You're definitely not losing me." I mumbled referring to the friendiaphobia confession from earlier. "Hm?" She asked, not hearing me, or at least I think not. "Nothing." I told her, sticking my tongue out at her. She laughed at the silly face I made. I smiled, it was like times like these I was convinced would last forever.

It didn't have to be right. It didn't even have to be easy. It just happened before I knew it. Who cares about what we do anyways? Who has the right to? Everything just happened, before we knew it.

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