Chapter three ~ Shooting Star

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I remember checking my phone for the text that night, not knowing what to say I fell asleep without answering.

That morning, I didn't want to get up. I remember turning over and groaning. Then my phone started vibrating like crazy, I answered. "Hello?" I asked, groggily. I smacked my lips through the phone. "Get up! Time for school, I know you'd still be sleeping." Angel told me in a scolding tone. "Fiiiinee. "I emphasized and got up, "see you at school!" Angel told me excitedly. Why was she so excited?

I shrugged it off and got ready. By the time I was finished me and Angel walked to school. "Why are you so upbeat today?" I asked with a yawn.

"No reason." She told me with a slight hint of teasingness. "Did your crush text you or something? " I asked, her face went red. "Psh, no!" She said quickly trying to run away. "Come on!!!" I called out for her while catching up. "It was something like that." She told me with a smile. I sighed, "whatever!" we started walking again.

I remember I sat through those classes like they were all math classes. Between classes I remembered last night and I began to feel nervous, so I didn't wait for her, I went quickly to my classes. That was until she showed up at my locker before.

"Have you been avoiding me?" She asked, her eyes gleaming with puppy dog eyes. "No.." I lied and headed for my class with her. I didn't even think to actually pay attention to my class until she mentioned the word "homework."

I sprinted out of the classroom while getting scolded by the principal. When I went to my locker I saw Angel hanging out with one of her other friends, Lindsay. I found myself walking away without apologizing or anything. "Lana!" She called, and walked over to me.

Crap. My stomach churned. I made an awkward but convincing smile, "hey."

**Angel's POV**

I was walking down the hallway on the last day of school before spring break , my bright blue hair straightened as usual. Having on a black dress that flowed a little and some flats, pretty braclets lining up my right arm. Today we would be let out early, where all the goodbyes would be said as people go to visit family over the spring break or go on vacation.

I walked into my homeroom, who was the english teacher. I smiled at him. Sitting down, i was reading a book that i was almost through reading.

"Angel, can you come here for a moment?" I heard him say, it was the teacher. Mr. Jayy.

I stood, and walked over to him with the book in my hand.

"Yeah?" I asked. He grabbed a yearbook from the 3 he had on his desk. We got our yearbook early since our spring break was so late.

"i-i didn't buy a yearbook.." I said a little confused.

"I know, i wanted to give this to you, and show you something. " He turned the pages, and there was a picture of me, taking up an entire page. He slid the yearbook across the desk and i stared. There was something written on the bottom. I looked closer.

"Most inspirational, loving person of the year, stood out instead of blending in." ~Mr. Jayy.

My eyes got a little watery, because i didn't think anyone cared or noticed me. I smiled. There was also a quote that i almost forgot to see.

"Stand up for what you believe in, even if your standing alone." Is what it said.

"Your welcome. Do you want to sign my yearbook? You can have that one, my gift." I couldn't stop smiling and closed the one on his desk. I signed the page in his yearbook that had me on it, and i sat back down. Lana walked in, just a little late.

As usual, we had the conversation on who's gonna cry first in the class or things like that.

The sunlight from the window was gently hitting our faces, and i seemed to have cheered her up a little bit since the run in at the hallway.

The last bell of the next week rung, in the next moment people were running down the hall with their friends screaming. I walked out of the room, and looked at Lana. I held out my hand and down the hall we went, the last day of school, to an entire week together.

Enochlophobia is Fear of crowds.

**Lana's POV**

I wish I could fly. That's what I was thinking while we were walking home. "Lana, how are we gonna spend the spring break together?" She asked me, smiling a little too excited. "With you?" I asked teasingly she looked at me like I just shot her then smiled. "Hmm, I can't wait till the fair!" She shouted. "Geez Angel, you're being too loud."I told her as if I were her parent. She frowned then smirked, "who cares what they think?" She asked. "I like that." I told her with a chuckle.

I had to get ready to go over to Angel's house so I applied some of my bracelets and brushed my hair. Then I looked down at my phone to see a text message she sent.

her:I'm hungry

me: get food

her: but it's so far away

I laughed.

me: you're so lazy.

I pushed my phone down and then walked over to her house. We were gonna have a blast, like we always did. Once I got there and ready it was getting dark. We both had a grin on our faces because we were going to blow bubbles. It seemed so childish, but why should we care?

When we blew the bubbles they glimmer in the moonlight with a clear rainbow color. "It's so beautiful when it flies." I insisted. She laughed, "yeah."

"I'm just glad it's break!" I exclaimed. "No more school and teachers stress, you know?"I asked, she nodded. "Let's go watch a movie!" She suggested. I went along with it, we watched a Disney movie because inside we were just kids. We watched Frozen and enjoyed every minute of it. "I swear this is the best Disney movie ever made!" I claimed. "Demi Lovato does a better soundtrack, just saying!" I rolled my eyes and we laughed.

"It's too bad school's over though, too." I told her, sighing. "Why?" She asked, her curiosity a little too obvious. "Because now it's harder to find out who you like!" I pointed out. She laughed awkwardly but it was a kind of empty laugh. I shrugged it off, thinking it's nothing.

"Are you not going to let me sleep again, tonight?" I asked her. "Nope." She answered with a slightly sinister smile. "Psh." I scoffed. She laughed, we just kept talking about stupid things for hours upon hours because that's what we do.

By the time she was asleep, I was still lying awake staring at the ceiling unable to sleep. I got out my notebook from my bag and started writing something down in it, the notebook consisted of poems and letters I wrote to myself.

I remember me and Angel went to a meteor shower together before. I thought back to that night, when she looked at me with this big stupid grin stuck on her face she asked me. "Have you ever made a wish upon a star?" I shook my head. "Then let's make one!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. Then I watched her close her eyes, while looking towards the meteors. She looked so great, I didn't even feel envious, it was a weird feeling.

Then she caught me looking at her. "Close your eyes!!!" She scolded. "And make a wish." She ordered, I listened like a loyal puppy dog. I didn't wish for anything, I didn't really have to.

Now here I was, pen in hand and knowing exactly what to write down.

I once wished upon a shooting star

The shooting star cried rain every night

I wished for the shooting star

To come down and see me

Then we could be happy.

I laid the notebook in my bag, forgetting to push it all the way end. I was getting drowsier. My eyes shut, and I drifted into a daze into the maze of my dysfunctional mind.

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